A couple of Cl 5 composite treatment on #44 and #45.
Preop is photo 1.
Photo 2: Prep by DELight 600u 80 degree tip with dentin and caries setting. #44 gingival troughing by DELight 600u 80 degree tip at 25Hz 35mj dry with air coolant along long axis of tooth. #45 gingival troughing by Biolitec 980nm 600u at 1W CW dry with air coolant
Photo 3 is post-op. Restored with 3M ESPE Supreme.
David, I like the looks of the DELight treatment on the gingiva too.
Glenn, I am not photographing through the scope yet as mine with the X-Mount hasn’t arrived yet. Just using the loaner from Global since the middle of June. The composite is 3MESPE Supreme. I infiltrated just to have some anesthetic effect as this patient is the type that does better with some local.