Forums › Laser Treatment Tips and Techniques › Soft Tissue Procedures › A temporary solution?
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PatricioSpectatorHi gang,
Yesterday I began removing gross decay from a xerostomic. So much decay I could not begin to estimate a treatment plan with out removing the grosss decay. I removed decay from # 6 and wouldn’t you know the pulp began to weep into the void. This will be a future root canal treatment but today was not the time to start so I grabbed my trusty laser and lased the pulp chamber for a millimeter around the weeping site and placed flowable over it as a temporary. I was hoping to stabilize this situation until we can treatment plan and get the patients approval for treatment.I didn’t hear from the patient today so I saw that as positive. I was building on the discusssion about avoiding endo by lasering the exposure which seems to fail eventually in most cases you guys reported but I wonder if it is a process that could be used to buy time painlessly.
Robert GreggParticipantPAt,
That may just be the type of situation that responds favorably to laser energy provided you were able to keep in it clean during bonding.
That is worth following!
I was hoping you would weigh in and that my thought was not completely off the charts. Gracias.
P.S. I am very excited about your perio protocol, even if I decide my market/practice can’t support it. I would say this is the future direction for periodontal treatment. 񘷠 per case is high for our area. I am going to research and see how many advanced cased we treated last year as a place to begin consideration.
Robert Gregg DDSSpectatorYou’re welcome Pat,
I really think that case you described should respond by laying down secondary dentin. I’ve done that type of laser pulp cap many times, and I can’t think of one that failed.
I can appreciate what you are saying about LPT/Periolase.
Dr. Cliff Auten in Whitney Texas (2 hours outside of Waco) charges 躔 per quad and was able to cost justify the purchase 4 years ago.
On average, accross the country, our docs are charging 迲 per quad. That’s 24 patients pay-back.
Another way to look at it–What do you charge to save ONE tooth with an RCT, Post/BU, PFM?. Don’t you think patients are willing to pay that fee to save a quadrant of teeth?
As a GP, I was surprised how willing, anxious, eager patients were to have performed–and PAY for –laser perio if it was a defined alternative to cut ‘n sew.
In fact, I have seen more green CASH money from unisured patients from South Central LA (of LA riot fame–I’m a few miles away), than I ever saw before.
Do a survey of your patients. I can send you a sample I used 12 years ago to convince me of my patient base’s interest in lasers–it was nearly 100% positive response rate, and that was before we had a defined LPT to offer.Don’t forget that for the past 4 years, we have offered a 6 month money back guarantee on the results and practice applicability to YOUR satisfaction, not mine or MDT’s. NONE of our dentists have turned their laser back in for a 100% refund. In fact, I have (albeit jokingly) offered to buy their PerioLase back for double the price they paid…..and was refused every time! Call me and I’ll give you names of docs to call that match your concerns. Their testimonials are not paid for, and willingly offered.
(Edited by Robert Gregg DDS at 11:18 am on Mar. 1, 2003)