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  • #11252 Reply


    Bob and Ron:

    Thanks for the theory on laser anesthesia with the defocused technique. Whatever the mechanism, although I’ve only used two weeks, seems to work.

    Ron, do you know if LR Eversole is Lawrence or Larry Eversole? I trained under a Larry Eversole at the University of Florida from 1985-89. Dr. Eversole was an Oral Pathologist.


    #11235 Reply

    Quote: from Swpmn on 10:57 pm on Nov. 11, 2002

    Ron, do you know if LR Eversole is Lawrence or Larry Eversole?  I trained under a Larry Eversole at the University of Florida from 1985-89.   Dr. Eversole was an Oral Pathologist.


    Al, I don’t know if he is or not. So I guess I can’t help that way.
    I’m glad the ‘amalgam removal’ and Marks suggestions have been helpful. That was the whole intent of this site – sharing as we learn.

    #11243 Reply


    Hey Pat,
    If you don’t mind. I would recommend that if you are cutting enamel and or dentin, I would use at minimum 24% water. This really helps cut, clean, and I can assure you, no charring, and you can even keep your suction tip a bit closer. Hope this helps.

    #11238 Reply


    I second Al’s accolades on this message board. I learn everyday somebody posts here. From Bob, to Glenn, to you, to Al, Pat, and now I am sure I WILL forget a name or two, but thanks to all. This is what so invigorates me for OUR profession. Thanks to all you pioneers!!

    #11250 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Hi Al–

    …do you know if LR Eversole is Lawrence or Larry Eversole?  I trained under a Larry Eversole at the University of Florida from 1985-89.   Dr. Eversole was an Oral Pathologist.

    His name is Lewis Eversole, and he is an oral path at UOP now.  Used to be at UCLA.


    #11237 Reply


    1 more amalgam removal
    Er,Cr:YSGG 5.25W 95/85 60 seconds defocused buccal then prep decayed grooves for another 60 seconds. High speed removal of amalgam then slow speed for final decay removal. GI base followed by Fugi LC , etch, bond and restore with tetric flow & ceram. No local or topical anesthesia. Can’t wait for a better camera but these will have to do for now.

    Preop intraoral camera image

    Intraoral camera after high and slow speed


    Glass ionomer and Fuji LC placed- intraoral camera image


Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)
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