Forums Diode Lasers General Diode Forum Application-Videos with supercharged diode

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    after my postings regarding the supercharged diode elexxion claros i was asked for application examples and pics.

    Together with one of our Swiss customers, Dr. Michel Vock, we made some videos of surgical applications to show the cutting performance of the elexxion claros. (7,5 MB, right click and “save as”) (5,0 MB, right click and “save as”)

    First video shows a frenectomy. Application program : “Frenectomy” (PeakPower: 30 W, 20.000 Hz, PD 10 µs, Mean Power 6,15 W, 600 µm fibertip)

    Second video: Removal of free gum. Appliocation program: ” “General Surgery” PeakPower: 30 W, 20.000 Hz, PD 16 µs, Mean Power 10 W, 600 µm fibertip)

    Another interesting video “root end reseption with use of 3 different wavelenghts” is under construction.

    More information about the elexxion claros you can find on:

    ” target=”_blank”>

    Have fun with the videos.


    #8004 Reply

    Glenn van As

    THanks Olaf: I looked at both of them and think that it was really cool to see the videos. A couple of suggestions.

    1. In doing the frenectomy it is rare that I have to hold the frenum with a pair of cotton pliers. Just hold the upper lip with a gauze 2 x 2 and pull up as you cut. I thought that the frenectomy was reasonably quick but nowhere near as quick as the erbium lasers, but perhaps a little quicker than my diode. It did seem to have a little more charring at the setting used than with my diode.

    2. The second video of the fibroma removal was nice. I think a locking pair of hemostats gives the operator a greater ease for holding onto the fibroma. Half way through the procedure the operator stops and does something (most likely lowers the power) and you can see far less char on the surrounding tissue after this. I suspect that the lower setting is a better setting for cutting the fibroma. What were the settings.

    The handpiece seems very large, is there a reason for this type of design. The videos are excellent and you both should be commended for putting these up so that people can see how the super pulsed diode works.

    Thanks again for doing this, nice work and nice to see moving video.


    #8008 Reply

    Kenneth Luk

    Hi Olaf,
    Great videos!
    Two questions:
    The fiber tips looked pretty much initiated and in contact mode.
    I thought the 30W power Elexxion can cut un-initiated and in non contact mode.
    In both cases , there were more charring than my 980! May be the assistant can spray water over the site during operation just like the high fluency technique with the 980.
    Glenn, when are you going to post your videos ?

    #8005 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Ken they are huge files and I have no idea where to post them. Does anyone have an idea , I could make them smaller for the web.


    #8003 Reply


    Hi Glenn,

    when he stopped cutting in the middle, he cleaned the fiber tip. We see more char when the fiber is full of carbonized tissue due to the strong absorption. When the fibertip is clean it cuts better. There was no changing of power-parameters.

    To the handpieces: I think, they look large because they are near to the camera lense.

    Here are some pics of the different handpieces:





    The 45° and 90° handpiece have exchangable fibertips. The one with the big glass rod is for bleaching and softlaser-therapy.

    Ken, cutting is possible in non-contact. But you can´t reach every place in the mouth without contacting the tissue. Due to the high power the fiber will be covered by carbonized tissue which leeds to high energy absorption and heat. Therefore you have to clean the fiber from time to time. It cuts very much better when it is clean.



    #8009 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS
    Quote: from Glenn van As on 11:51 pm on Oct. 1, 2004
    Ken they are huge files and I have no idea where to post them. Does anyone have an idea , I could make them smaller for the web.


    Glenn, I could ask and see if you could post them to our MDT website and link directly to the videos if you wanted.


    #8006 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Bob , you saw them, did you think that they would be of interest to people.

    I am intending on making a DVD soon (we are working on it now).

    I dont want to give all the trade secrets away just yet GRIN.


    #8010 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Yes, I think so. There’s nothing else like them. The challenge would be marketing them. Having a host website that people could view them in whole or in part so they can get an idea of the quality would be a good idea.


    #8007 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Hey that is a good idea. My website is non existent so I need to upgrade and this would be a good time.

    Its so tough finding a guy to design it here in Canada, because I need one for the practice, one for lectures and one for products all rolled into one web site.

    I would love to put some educational material together on lasers on the web site.

    Thanks again, great idea.


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