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  • #2777 Reply


    Just wanted to report that I just got back from days 1-3 at Periolase boot camp. They are doing some amazing things with that laser. My staff and I are very excited to get going.

    I want to thank Bob and Del (and everyone else there) for an incredible learning experience – my hygienists are all jazzed up too. And an incredible time – the way you treated us was just first class all the way.

    And – our first hygiene patient this morning was a great case for the LANAP procedure and he’s already scheduled. WHOOOO HOOOOO. So far, so good!

    Thanks again


    #5950 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Thanks Janet,

    It was great having you all out! Howard too!



    #5954 Reply


    Congratulations Janet!!!! Hope you and Howard are well.

    I’m most interested in case selection criteria. How does one determine which patients can be treated via LPT versus when it is best to refer to the periodontist?

    Please keep up informed regarding success rate with the LPT procedure.


    #5934 Reply


    I’ll second that congradulations!

    #5942 Reply


    I’ll round out the congrats from the Florida guys. Hoping to join you soon.

    #5944 Reply


    Thanks – we are very psyched. We have 2 patients scheduled now! And would have had another, but I wasn’t sure (Bob pop in here) – she’s on constant oxygen and I just had this vision of setting the nice 85 yo lady on fire – yeah, I know that’s an exaggeration and it probably would be fine, but.

    My criteria is pretty much anything above 5 mm pockets. The patients we treated as part of our training had well over 8-9mm pocketing. I think I will be sending grafting patients to the periodontist.

    We can’t make it for our six month Day 4 on the October date, so we’re going in November or December. Maybe you can hurry up and get yours in time to do Day 4 with us! smile.gif

    #5961 Reply


    Janet, I am glad to hear that you have your first patients scheduled. I am waiting to schedule until my laser arrives. I also have several patients lined up right now who have refused traditional perio surgery. They keep asking me when the laser is going to be in. I think a couple of them are more excited that I am for delivery.

    Hey swpmn, I think I am done with referal to the periodontist for surgical treatment of periodontal disease. The cases that I have seen with LANAP are amazing. Boot camp showed many cases and all were at least as good as traditional surgery with regard to bone levels. In many cases the bone was better than what I am seeing come back from the periodontist. Probings look great and the recession post surgery is nothing like it is with surgery. (Basicly, the recession is non-existent.) I see almost no need for traditional surgery. It seems barbaric to me now. I would never go through with surgery if I was the one with disease. I would choose LANAP. Therefore, I will recommend that for my patients as well.

    Matt Brink

    #5940 Reply


    Can the periolase help with areas of insufficient attached gingiva or areas that need grafting?

    #5949 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS
    Quote: from Albodmd on 10:12 am on April 21, 2005
    Can the periolase help with areas of insufficient attached gingiva or areas that need grafting?

    Hi Al,

    No, not really.

    Some are reporting some corornal rebound of tissue following LANAP, but no one knows how to predict or controll it….


    #5962 Reply


    Wouldn’t it be correct to say that LANAP will help with areas that would receive bone grafting?

    #5951 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS
    Quote: from czeqm8 on 9:15 am on May 4, 2005
    Wouldn’t it be correct to say that LANAP will help with areas that would receive bone grafting?

    In what sort of defect? Extraction sites? Why would you graft?

    Janet, no worries about exploding patients on O2.


    #5955 Reply

    Andrew Satlin
    Quote: from Robert Gregg DDS on 10:11 am on May 4, 2005

    Quote: from czeqm8 on 9:15 am on May 4, 2005
    Wouldn’t it be correct to say that LANAP will help with areas that would receive bone grafting?

    In what sort of defect?  Extraction sites?  Why would you graft?

    Janet, no worries about exploding patients on O2.



    I believe Matt means for periodontal defects.

    The answer is yes. The LANAP procedure is for new attachment just like bone grafting.


    #5959 Reply


    Quote: from Albodmd on 10:12 am on April 21, 2005
    Can the periolase help with areas of insufficient attached gingiva or areas that need grafting?

    Hi Al,

    No, not really.

    Some are reporting some corornal rebound of tissue following LANAP, but no one knows how to predict or controll it….


    It just seemed unclear on this answer that LANAP could help with periodontal boney defects. I know from the bootcamp that it can help with vertical defect areas. The statement “insufficient attached gingiva or areas that need grafting” was not clear whether the grafting applied to soft tissue only, and your answer seemed to apply to soft tissue only. I think that you were reading “insufficient attached gingiva or areas that need soft tissue grafting”. LANAP will be effective for the boney grafting areas and ineffective for the soft tissue grafting areas is my understanding.

    I just want to make this clear for the people who were wondering. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

    Matt Brink

    #5935 Reply


    Lets get to the important stuff.
    Do they feed you well at BOOT CAMP?rock.gif

    #5945 Reply


    OMIGOD yes! And stretch limo service. It was hard to come home.


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