I really need to get a good camera. I’ve done some interesting things with the CO2 that I would never have touched with a scalpel.
Last week I removed a Lipoma on the lower lip of a pt. He had it for over two years and nobody ever suggested removing it. It really bothered him.
Neatest thing you’ve ever seen.
Made a semilunar incision around periphery, squeezed the lesion and pushed the lipoma upward through the incision, grabbed it with forceps, undermined until removed. The junction of the lipoma and connective tissue was amazingly clear. Nice, clean, fast procedure, three sutures… Voila.
I imagine I could have used my ErYag or diode, but they would be messy or slow.
(Edited by cadavis at 9:47 am on May 23, 2007)