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  • #2921 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Simple case folks, just to show that if you measure the attached tissue and have enough, are in a hurry, that you can get a bracket on orthodontically that is close to ideal positioning (I may need to place it on a little more gingival in 2 mos or so).

    I did this because the patient needs Class 2 elastics and growth is running out on their Hand wrist film so there was some urgency to get the bracket in place.

    Used a chisel tip with topical (EMLA) and this worked great but remember to remain in attached tissue or risk requiring a graft. If more tissue needs to be reflected than a flap should be raised . My decision is to replace the bracket once if the tooth requires it once the tooth is visible partially as it was here.



    Chisel tip exposure of canine edited and resized.jpg

    #7250 Reply


    Nice Glenn – I just started placing brackets this year, and this will be a help. thanks!

    #7251 Reply

    Andrew Satlin


    Careful with that attached gingiva.

    Didn’t I see you post that awesome exposure case where you apically positioned the tissue? Long term healing was perfect.

    I know you measure AG before you excise tissue, I just wanted to point out that everyone needs to be aware.


    #7249 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Hi Andy, you are right on and I mentioned that I probed before hand and saw 4mm of attached present.

    In addition in the last photo look how thin but how present the attached is from the blanching when I pulled the vestibule up. This is the amazing part of the microscope, is that you can see where the attached is.

    Great point Andy, but from a perspective of which procedure I will do, I will do this when the amount of tissue removal needed is small, time is running out in ortho and I just want to get a bracket on a tooth. Usually there is plenty of attached tissue but for gosh sakes probe and be aware as you so rightly pointed out.

    THanks again Andy, and the link to the other case that I did the flap on is here. It has a neat case by Jeff, and one a little differently handled by myself. Both have merits given the right amount of AG.



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