Forums › Laser Treatment Tips and Techniques › Hard Tissue Procedures › How much ROI do you get on your laser
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Glenn van AsSpectatorHi folks: I want to know if anyone here has actually sat down and figured out how much revenue per month they get from their laser.
Please continue the thread if you have looked hard at the figures and know what you made before per month and what you make extra per month with the laser.
Now the reason I am looking for this is for a lecture on Friday.
I am not an ROI guy but am pledging that for the month of September ( I am working about 17-18 days I think) I am going to figure out exactly how much I used each laser we have in the office and will keep tabs on the money I made and the number of times I used the laser and for what.
I would love to know ROI from some of you , how long you have had your laser, what kinds of procedures you do and if you feel shy about the numbers, you can tell me instead what % your laser has increased your revenue, or how much extra per month your laser has boosted your revenue.
Even if you want to express your increase in revenue – your lease, let me know.
I wont publish names but would like to know the hard tissue vs soft tissue lasers in comparison.
Thanks in advance, in all honesty this information is to be kept perfectly anonymous with respect to the individuals and if you feel uncomfortable telling the whole world if you want to email me at please do so.I will publish my own account at the end of September and in addition will figure out the figures for here and publish and average.
Thanks in advance and today I used my laser for:
2 endos (sterilizing the canal).
2 crown inserts (cutting away tissue that was on the margins of the restoration).
2 occlusals.
1 soft tissue recontouring so I could put a restoration in place.Nothing huge but it was all recalls ( 30 or something today) as the kids are going back to school ( it was a zoo).
THanks in advance and again if you dont want to be involved please dont feel you have to do this and if you do place your numbers….thanks in advance.
All the best
marc andre gagnonSpectatorHi Glenn,
I have done that job at the beginning when they delivered my diode 980 in first and after that with the DeLight.
I can say you that the second day of each month my lasers are paid for the month.Since we have the lasers we double the number of new patients .
I don’t have the exact amount of new billing but my monthly billing is up by 20 % each year since the last 2 years.
AnonymousGuestGlenn, you have a PM w/ info.
Hope it helps,
Glenn van AsSpectatorMarc and Ron, your testamonials are wonderful…….keep em coming.
Thanks alot
whitertthSpectatorGlen, I have never tracked actual dollars but the intangible dollars are enormous in themselves…The place that Lasers place you in the publics eye, now and in the future is tough to measure…The numbers long term can be astronomical….reemember first is always best ….No prizes for being second in the public’s eye…
Kenneth LukSpectatorGlenn,
I was pretty worried whether the 980 can pay for itself.
As for me, it probably pay for itself within first week of each month.
The benefit is not only ROI, but easier for my fingers on the pen-like handpiece than the drill.
Moreover, patients’ motivations and recommandations!Now, I’ll have to take a deep breath , get hold of a
DElight or Periolase?Best wishes,
Alfred WyattSpectatorGlenn,
I have found that my lasers have paid for themselves with versatility. It’s hard to track how many single surface incipeint restorations performed on the same day as a prophy due to time saved with no anesthetic,how many teeth have been desensitized, how many oral lesions have been desensitized and healed…..some things we used to do other ways and some things that could not have been done if we didn’t have a laser. I guess my take on things is if I’m using the laser on a patient, it’s paying for itself and if I don’t use it ,it won’t. I have learned that part of the learning curve is being comfortable with calling for the laser when the opportunity presents itself as opposed to the scalpel or the handpiece. That’s when the real ROI comes into play. Keep up the great work !Alfred Wyatt
Robert Gregg DDSSpectatorHi Glenn,
My numbers have varied over the past 13 years depending on the effort I put into internal and/or external marketing. Both are very different efforts as you can imagine.
In 1997, when we ran some TV ads and had some LA news coverage–specific to Laser Periodontal Therapy–my Net income doubled–so that was a 100% addition to my income (and my contribution to Uncle Sam that year), since my lasers we already paid for.
Since we have not done much external marketing since (we were really overrun with patients to the point I felt we didn’t serve them all as well as we could), our direct revenues tied to laser procedures–mostly Laser Perio Tx–is a consistent 25% additional dollars per year (23.89% to be exact this year to date) that I would otherwise refer or not do (like hemogioma removal–soon to post).
I can’t and do not count as additional dollars or revenues certain laser procedures (like laser caries removal, or laser endodontics) if these are, in fact, procedures that I would do anyway, but with different devices–so they are not additional income.
Now, I will and do count additional revenues based on new patients who became new patients on the basis of our laser technology. Based on that analysis, the increase patient flow and revenues turn out to be about the same 25% over the years, with periodic fluctuations depending on our marketing efforts.
Hope this helps from a historical perspective.
Ken–Let’s see DELight or PerioLase Hmmmmmmm what to do?
(Edited by Robert Gregg DDS at 1:33 pm on Sep. 4, 2003)
Glenn van AsSpectatorThanks guys , you are wonderful. ITs a good thread to have for new buyers to see what guys are doing $ wise.
I had someone email me to tell me that they were making 10 K per month more and that now they are making 20K more.
That is wonderful in my mind. Its so nice to hear how the lasers not only help the patients but in turn make the practitioner more money as well.
All the best. Glenn
PS here is my nugget to you
Top 5 ways an erbium laser makes you money.
1. More new patients who hear about the no needles no drills even if only 10% of their work is doable with the laser.
2. More procedures in a given appointment. Today I inserted a crown on lower left 2nd molar and did two abfractive lesions on upper 2nd premolar and lower first premolar. All in the same appointment without anesthetic.
3. Doing procedures you never did before be it a frenectomy, biopsy, soft tissue recontouring or osseous surgery, laser periodontal therapy etc……
4. Doing procedures in a given room typically reserved for recalls or kids which is higher billings per hour. FOr instance taking someone out of hygiene with a small lesion and doing the work in the non anesthetic room while the anesthetic is setting in room 1.
This sure beats a FS here or there.5. Billing a laser surcharge fee , or fee increases that result due to you having a technology that no one else has.
Hope that is a good post for the day.
Kenneth LukSpectatorHi Glenn,
3. Doing procedures you never did before be it a frenectomy, biopsy, soft tissue recontouring or osseous surgery, laser periodontal therapy etc……
This certainly fitted my experience with my 980.
Although there was a general 50% to 70% drop in patient attendance in Hong Kong during SARS, I was able to mentain my gross income.
Glenn van AsSpectatorGood for you Ken……other doctors have emailed me and told me that although their local economy has gone really really bad, they stilll are building their practice while others nearby are very slow.
Because of the lasers.
Practice differentiation.
ASISpectatorHi Glenn,
As you know, I’ve only started using dental lasers since the start of June/03. First with the DELight and then the Biolitec a couple weeks later.
In about 10 weeks time up until the end of August including a couple weeks off along the way, the lasers have generated just under 25% of the cost of the total investment. The interesting thing is that about half of the revenue is from new or not my everday procedures being performed because of the lasers.
Procedures such as soft tissue resection, frenectomy of the labial frenum and the lingual frenum, cosmetic gingival recontouring, osseous recontouring, implant exposure, lesion lasing, laser bleaching, fibroma and tissue tag removal, pericoronitis, gingivoplasty and gingivectomy, ….
These are procedures that I’ve treated by radiosurgery, along with the blade and electrosurgery in the past and which would still work. But now certainly done by the lasers because of the nonivasive nature, the improved healing and reduction of post-op inflammation, and the controlled hemostasis. Not to mention the WOW factor of the patient and the staff, and the fun factor for me.
No question that the use of dental lasers is a positive step for any office and a worthwhile ROI.
dkimmelSpectatorGlenn, Looks like I am odd man out. A total wash on the laser . It has not generated a single dime in profit. Total waste of money! I would NEVER recomend another dentist in my area to get one!! NEVER!!!!
Florida Center for Laser Dentistry
ASISpectatorHi David,
Do you have your tongue in your cheek with making that statement?
You must be joking with the folks on the forum. If so, that might be enough to prevent others from having a laser in your area. Hmmmmm….
Kenneth LukSpectatorHi David,
Very good tactics!
Ken -