All right, we have a number of laser advocates and I have a pen. I am seeking all sources available to me to devise a course appropriate to give a hygienist what he or she needs to know to do laser curretage, sulcular debridement..whatever you want to call it.
They will not be using CO2, erbiums, doing a targeted biofilm protocol, or LANAP.
I am aware of basically two protocols with a general idea of appropriate settings.
What I would like is step-by-step protocol, and any suggestions as to what a course would entail.
My main contribution to the project is regarding evidence basis and safety. I want to filter all information and be fair to make both sides on the topic mildly unhappy with the solution. It isn’t possible for both to be happy, I’m being realistic..and probably optimistic. Efficacy is not something that this involves, we just want them used safely.
Let me have it. This is your chance to make a difference in what I feel is a significant way on a state level.