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  • #2963 Reply


    This” target=”_blank”>

    This is from one of the dentists in my town who has apparently seen my marketing. Take a look at the “welcome” section of her home page.

    Obviously she is feeling the heat of the laser.

    I sent her a letter last week explaining as gently as I could that nobody charges extra for laser procedures, and that making the public fear lasers was a bad idea, and am still waiting on a response.

    But this is what I am up against, apparently. This is the first public evidence of the undercurrent that’s out there, and why I don’t have every child in the city flocking to get into my chair to get no-shot fillings….yet.

    #7618 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Should we all send her phone calls asking her if she has a laser……..

    Then get the rep to drop by with a package of laser information………


    What a joke. Maybe what she really needs is to come to your office and have a look at what the laser is all about. Maybe she would learn a thing or two.

    I would get Biolase to send a few brochures to her!!


    What a joke.


    #7615 Reply


    Welcome to our web site. If you are seeking quality,(eye of the beholder statement), affordable dental care, without all the “hype” that ultimately costs you extra money(another assumption here, no fact), you have come to the right place. Our practice strives to provide the most current, (if it’s the most current, is there a laser involved?) safest dental care, without using unneccesary marketing and products that simply add expense to your treatment. We use traditional, modern (and painful I might add),techniques and products, without adding “flashy” electronic “laser” products which simply add to the costs, not the quality. (<—Here's someone who REALLY knows what she's talking about huh?) Our goal is to provide our patients with the very best dental care period. Simple, affordable, comfortable……dental care without the expensive "gimmicks".

    Hmmm… this ad in her website a “gimmick” ? Man, I am going to call and act like a patient….should be fun!


    PS….I know that in most states, the rules and regs of advertising won’t let you use the words “quality”, or the use of wordings that make you look “Better” than the other dentists in your area. What does Arkansas regs state?

    #7609 Reply


    I have to agree with Mark this doc would be on thin ice in Fl.
    On a same note one of my patients that I had done laser crown preps told me a local dentist that he met at a party told him no way would he ever use a laser– It fires the pulp!!! This guys are clueless. On the brightside it turned in to a win -win for me and the patient.

    #7623 Reply


    I wouldn’t worry too much about the “good” Doctor Turney DDS. I think her misuse of punctuation should be enough to clue in the thinking people of Conway that something is up.

    #7614 Reply


    I sent her an email that read the following
    I am a dentist and I find your home page not only to be offensive, but a clear lack of display of current dental knowledge. The “Hype” and “flashy” dental laser products that you dont own or care to learn anything about, allow many dentists like myself to administer unsurpassed quality and comfortable dentistry to my patients. Any knowledgeable consumer should laugh and even shy away from your practice when reading that homepage. Your arrogance and insinuations that other dentists charge more or are giving patients marketing hype borders on a breach of ethics. Please clean up your website. I am sure you can do much better in educating your patients. I will continually check your site and hope u clean up your act.I will refrain at this point from contacting your local dental board of ethics.
    A concerned colleague
    I think everyone on this board should bombard her with emails…She is a real disgrace as far as I am concerned…. Lets see if she has the guts to repond to me.

    #7620 Reply

    Kenneth Luk

    Word of mouth is the best ad for our professional service.
    The need to downgrade other techniques only shows the pressure she’s been under!I’m sure she’ll see the ‘light’ one day.

    #7612 Reply


    Ok I rocked her boat….Here is her response with my rebuttal
    Dear “Concerned”,

    Thank you so much for the kind and useful comments.
    I will most certainly take all of your “concerns” to
    constructively better all of dentistry.

    I would like to say a personal thanks, not anonymously,
    cowardly and frightened, and with no “guts”, like some,

    Don’t confuse disagreement for ignorance.

    Ron Kaminer, DDS

    I appreciate your concern.


    Ellen Turney, D.D.S.
    My response

    Dear Ellen,
    Your disagreement can only come from ignorance…Everyone is entitled to an opinion but base it on fact especially if you are going to misinform the public. I wasnt trying to hide my identity but informing you of who would not change a thing…I Dont practice in your community but I am educated enough to know what is best for dental patients…Continue practicing as you are but at least dont try and fool your poor patients and others that read your site. Your opinions have no basis and displaying them on openly on your site ARE unethical by any state’s standards.
    Ron Kaminer DDS

    #7626 Reply


    Thanks guys.

    She sent me an e-mail apparently in response to yours above. I couldn’t have asked for any more from my best friends.

    We truly will never practice solo again.


    Larry Fincher

    #7613 Reply


    Glad this helped…I came off to her kinda harsh but heck I dont even know who she is and I love the controversy…I am happy it worked out..

    #7616 Reply


    “Typical New Yorker”…..;) who knows restaurants like no one else!


    #7610 Reply


    i’m not sure what the big deal is…doesn’t everyone charge more for their laser procedures?

    i charge considerably more.

    #7624 Reply


    Thanks again guys, I hope we let Ellen rest a while, after all, I have to live in the same town with her.

    Norman, Canada must not have suffered like the U.S. did from a dental school enrollment policy which took 20 years to figure out that the baby boom had ended back in 1964. You guys probably had better sense there than the profession did here.

    But, also, I diverged us all from the scholarly pursuits which this form has been dedicated to. But I also knew that if I posted this topic on Dentaltown, no telling how out of control it would have gotten.

    #7621 Reply


    I e-mailed her also. I couldn’t help but think of myself a few short months ago when I read that intro…

    Dear Dr. Turney:

    I became aware of your website through a posting on and wanted to drop you a quick note.

    Probably much like you, I’ve been asked in recent years why I didn’t own a laser and get rid of my drills. “After all,” the patients would chide, “you must not be keeping up with technology if you don’t have one …”

    Well, I had my reasons, and I’d tell them. From what I’d read and heard (which wasn’t much, I’ll admit), they couldn’t be used on amalgams, couldn’t be used on kids, most would still need anesthesia for the restoration anyway (bands, wedges, etc.) Overall, I wasn’t impressed with the technology.

    I was also woefully ill-informed.

    I forget what prompted it, but I attended a seminar (yeah, a sales pitch) at the invitation of my dental supplier. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to hear the latest and greatest so I could stand my ground when patients accused me of being behind the times. I listened, I watched, I tried my hand on some extracted teeth. Seems my information was not current on what the
    lasers were approved for after all.

    In over two decades of practice, my motto has always been “I’ll never be the first kid on the block to have some gizmo, nor will I be the last!” I broke that motto on faith.

    The learning curve hasn’t been easy, nor has it been entirely cheerful. I’ve had some mechanical glitches, but the company has taken good care of me. My investment, while significant, is in the process of showing some payback. Not in terms of money necessarily (no, I don’t charge more for using the laser, nor have I increased my fees to pay for it), but
    in gratitude from patients who don’t get numb and appreciate it. I’ve had some stinkers where it just didn’t work without anesthesia, and I’m still learning what I can and can’t do well with it. However, when a 4-year-old has a DO on #L with no discomfort and no anesthesia except for a dab of topical and leaves smiling, I’m a happier, more relaxed camper!

    I’m not trying to sell you on lasers. I have no vested interest in any laser company. I just read your website intro and thought of my own attitude before I invested in lasers, digital radiography, intraoral cameras, computer network, extraoral photography, higher magnification loupes …

    I was a good dentist before but I’m better now. I know that the quality of dentistry I perform now is significantly better than before — due in part to the gizmos and in part to my rededication to learning about these new technologies.

    Thanks for letting me tell my tale. My hope is that you’ll look into what lasers can and can’t do before throwing this treatment modality out the window. Most things I do with the laser could also be done conventionally, most likely with anesthesia. My use of lasers is not to increase my bottom line — it’s to increase the quality of service I can offer my patients. There really is a difference.


    Don McNamara

    #7619 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Don, what a great post. Eloquent, thoughtful and not derisive or intimidating.

    Well done and gracious.

    I like it


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