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  • #7622 Reply


    Thank you, Glenn.

    I try hard to be diplomatic, although it usually runs counter to my nature. However, as I continue to model my demeanor after yours, I’m sure I will continue to exhibit eloquence and thoughtfulness toward others. 🙂

    (how’s THAT for suckin’ up?)

    I’ve had PMs with both Drs. Turley and Fincher and it seems that there’s a fundamental difference of opinion on several topics, lasers being the most current issue.

    Without getting into specifics, suffice it to say that I doubt that Dr. Turley has any particular bone to pick with laser dentistry, just how it’s used locally, and that’s an issue that we neither can nor should attempt to address here, IMHO.

    As long as we’re individuals with disparate ideas about how best to run our practices, there will be contention. We can only hope that maturity and professionalism will rise to the top.

    — Don

    #7625 Reply


    I think we are in a new phase of laser adoption into the profession as a whole. It’s no longer a matter of, “Wow, what a miracle! they finally made a laser for US!. Someday I gotta think about that.”

    It’s now gotten to be, “Yea, I know, that other guy down the street is making incredible claims about his laser. They can’t be true, if they were I would have to spend way too much money.”

    This is likely the period of “maximum dynamic stress” in the “launch” of lasers into dentistry. The time when there is maximum actual active resistance from practicioners not willing to be jarred out of their comfort zone. And their patients will follow them for a while…until the start hearing about dental lasers from places other than the local “laser cowboy’s” marketing. Places like Oprah, and the like. And magazine articles in women’s magazines.

    I feel the burden of bringing lasers and their miracles to the public, but I not only have to educate myself as to their use, I have to educate the public as to their EXISTANCE. That costs money! And it’s discouraging to know that other dentists, (and probably the majority of them now) are actively trying to keep this information from being believed by the public.

    We need to all, and myself first, remember that it is still the price of gas which determines when people go to the dentist, not the laser he bought.

    I’m determined to change the way I present myself to the patients who do make it into my chair. I’ve progressed a long way down the learning curve now, and I must stop looking like a kid with a new toy, and return to the image of an experienced practicioner, (dare I say it, like Dick Cheney) who has brought this technology for the COMFORT it provides THEM, to the individual person who’s sitting in my chair at that moment.

    Apparently an excited dentist, even if he is excited about his laser, comes across as a “nervous nellie” to almost all patients. The patient sees excitement, and that immediately translates into dollar signs in my pupils to them. And that scares them.

    Lasers should be presented along with a good measure of your “competence” just now rather than your “agressiveness in buying new things”. I have been doing this wrong myself.

    I apologise for leading this forum away from the USE of lasers to the MARKETING of them. But I do think there is a new phase which their adoption has entered into, as I have described above.


    #7617 Reply


    Dear Cerecdoc, I agree with your current thinking 100%. Although I am new to the laser revolution, I personally am excited about offering my patients this additional technology. I make my money by being known as a very progressive dentist( even though I am in practice 31 years) and the patients come to me for this reason. We all try not cause any discomfort, trreat our patients with respect and do the best work we can but the laser is just another tool to provide our services. If we get new patients because of it – so be it. I think if we all continue to do what we all have been doing then good things happen to good people. I find that this forum is the essence of dentistry – all of us trying to learn to do better for our people. Thanks for your post. Elliot

    #7611 Reply


    larry, glass houses and stones don’t mix…I’ve seen your website. tread lightly, and in deference to the tone of this forum, I’ll stop there.

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