D4260 may not apply when treating implants. The ADA sells the CTD book with the most current insurance coding information. CDT 2015 Dental Code book – ada.org. Adcatalog.ada.org/ Highlights below but best to purchase CDT. Also, insurance carriers have their own criteria and rules. Call and ask.
D6101: Debridement of a peri-implant defect or defects surrounding a single implant, and surface cleaning of the exposed implant surfaces, including flap entry and closure
D6102: Debridement and osseous contouring of a peri-implant defect or defects surrounding a single implant and includes surface cleaning of the exposed implant surfaces, including flap entry and closure
D6103: Bone graft for repair of peri-implant defect — does not include flap entry and closure. Placement of a barrier membrane or biologic materials to aid in osseous regeneration are reported separately