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  • #3143 Reply


    Yep, I think it will work!

    #8952 Reply


    Dave you are too quick for me….I think you need to get a life ( yeah like I should talk)…. Looks like Mexico in 06

    #8958 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Ron, thank you for organizing the GREAT dinner last night. What a fun night with lots of laughs. IT was great to see Bob Gregg and his wife Janna, David Kimmel and his significantly better half Susan (its rare to now catch DAvid not posting from some secret hiding spot in his house which Susan has not discovered yet), and to Andrew Shearon, Jimmy Chan, Del McCarthy (Bobs able and brilliant sidekick) as well as of course the originator of the forum the ever tanned Ron Schalter who was delegating the task of organizing the first LDF meeting in Mexico to anyone wearing a green shirt ( Ron Kaminer vaguely comes to mind). In addition my good friend Nick was there so we got a chance to yak about scopes for a while.

    I might be leaving out someone and I apologize but Bourbon Street is still dancing in my mind right now ……Oh ya Rons buddy Eric was there to help keep the laughter going.

    A great night of fun and really wonderful again to put faces to the names of the people that you feel you really know from this site. We missed a few of you (Mark Colonna, Lee, and so many others) so maybe next year at the Mexico extravaganza in 06 that Ron Kaminer is organizing we can all get together.

    All the best to those who were there.

    Take care,


    #8950 Reply


    Ok Glenn…
    Put the pressure on me why dont you….It was really a blast last night and contrary to popular belief I will try and organize the first LDF meeting…We will shoot for a family resort in Mexico and try to organize it during school break so if you want you can bring kids( if u got em)…. I wll begin working on it when i get home from New Orleans and lucky for me Kimmel has volunteered to be my right hand man…Hopefully Dave and I will have some good news to report in a few weeks

    #8955 Reply


    As long as Ron get’s to pick the restaraunts, everything will be a. o. k. !!


    #8953 Reply


    Well, back home from New Orleans……All in all…Meeting was very mediocre but the company was awesome…Had a great time with all of you…..It was real nice spending time with guys that have been good internet buddies for a while…Ron’s forum has done a magical thing in bringing people together from all over and sprouting new friendships….Once again…Thanks for a great time…..

    #8946 Reply

    Quote: from whitertth on 1:24 am on April 10, 2005
    Had a great time with all of you…..It was real nice spending time with guys that have been good internet buddies for a while.

    I’ll second that. What a great group of friends to have.
    BTW, Happy Birthday Ron K (again)!!!!!

    #8956 Reply


    To My Dear LDF Friends,

    It was fun at New Orleans!

    The get togethers were great, but the company was the icing on the cake.

    Ron K. sure knows how to get attentive service at high end restaurants and the hotel. Inspite of his frequent birthdays, he still looks the same for someone who aged 4 years these last few days.

    Hey, Ron, the balloons above your head on your chair are no match to the balloons that were above our heads later….. Too bad we couldn’t hook up with Glenn and company that night….




    Thanks for sharing the ALD at New Orleans.


    #8949 Reply


    Hi, everyone!

    I want to thank all of you for making my first ALD meeting a very memorable one. I got back last night from New Orleans (almost missed another flight, this time without Andrew’s help!) and treated my first aphthous ulcer case this morning with great success.  As a newbie dental laser user, I really appreciated getting tips and pointers from more experienced users as yourselves.  This is my first post on the LDF and I hope to see more of you all on this forum.  

    And Ron K…thanks for setting up the great dinners at Antoine’s and Commander’s Palace (your pics are safe with me!)


    #8951 Reply


    Jimmy…e mail me that special pic…I’m curious to see it(….It was great hanging with you …next time might be LDF’S first meeting…Time and place to be announced soon….. All the best…….

    #8960 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Hey Gang,

    It was great seeing everyone.

    Ron K, thanks for a great dinner, great restaurant and great seating in the private dinning room. Very special evening.

    Janna and I had a great time and she now knows who it is I am talking about now as I mutter under my breath or LOL when I read and post on LDF or DT.

    Jimmy, welcome to the club. It was great to meet you as well. See you soon in Vancouver.

    Nice pictures Andrew. Seems like you’ve got a camera ready for those special events. Good on you! See you soon in BC too.

    David–great to see you and Susan again. See you soon in Vancouver.

    Nick, nice to meet you. We’ll connect again soon.

    Ron S…..well just thanks again. You too Glenn. Everyone there knows why. Cheers!


    #8959 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Hey Great pics Andrew……really enjoyed them. It was great dinner Ron, you do know the fancy places to go to.

    I enjoyed the meeting but understand why some dont particularly like all the science. I will say this that Ron Kaminer got ALOT of interest for his lecture which showed how well the erbium healed a case of benign mucous mebrane pemphigoid.

    IT was a polished lecture, on time and nice results. Kudos to you Ron. Thanks to Ron and Andrew for helping me out at the hands on, its great to have them around for their friendship and knowledge.

    I wanted to congratulate both Andrew and Paul Newitt for passing parts 1 and 2 of the Advanced proficiency tests.


    You are now a member with advanced proficiency in the Er, Cr:YSGG wavelength and you worked darn hard and put up with alot for the test. We both learned alot from this experience, and I for one will be a better mentor next year from this.

    Join me in congratulating Ron for passing this test.



    #8957 Reply


    Congrats!!! Ron. Great work in dealing with the surprised last hurdle to the finish line. Remember, be the bigger man…

    It was my pleasure to help out at the hands-on, Glenn. The few people who came to look through the table top mounted scopes were all in awe of the visual details of magnification. I hope they go away realizing the importance of magnification in the use of lasers as you have been showing us all along.

    Good work on the presentation by Ron K. But his true talents lie in after hours entertainment….

    Congrats again, Ron S. for successfully in completing Part 3.


    #8947 Reply


    Thanks guys. Thanks to Glenn and Andrew I didn’t go with my 1st impulse when given my little surprise of having to present a second case.

    If anyone wants to see my writeups they are here-
    You can use them as guidelines if you like, but make sure you work with your mentor.Evidently the main problem was in my Powerpoint as it didn’t include everything in the write- ups. Glenn  did a great job for me reviewing my write-ups. He never saw the Powerpoint. I greatly value his help and friendship.

    If I can give any advise to those doing case presentations next year it would be to use the checklist you are given for the headings of your powerpoint.

    #8954 Reply


    Andrew, Paul, Ron Congratulations on a job well deserved and well done,,,,,

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