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  • #3037 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Hi folks: It has recently come to my attention that some companies have been promoting the fact that I receive kickbacks or fees for any Delight lasers that are sold through lectures, hands on workshops that I do.

    I want to publically and emphatically state that I have never received a dime for any lasers sold by Hoya. I do receive an honorarium that is 1/4 of my ordinary fee for lectures that I do. Roughly 25% of my lecturing is for Hoya or for their meetings, whereas the bulk is still lectures for scopes or dental meetings such as the ADA in San Francisco next month or a lecture for the Toronto Implant Study club next week both of which are on lasers.

    I am paid for any days I spend in the booth for Hoya and have paid for both my Hoya lasers in either accumulated honorariums or cash.

    I have four other lasers in the office at present which arent from Hoya and two of them I am demoing for companies and I havent paid for them. The other two I also have paid for.

    I wanted to clarify this because here at least in Vancouver the statement that I was receiving payment for any lasers that I was involved in selling was told to a doctor friend of mine.

    This statement was slanderous and false and I wanted to publically state my affiliation with Hoya.

    In closing , I wanted to ask people here if it is the standard for dentists who do lecture to receive an honorarium for their time, travel and preparation.

    Perhaps those of you with other companies will publically come forward and discuss some of the arrangements that you have. Is it for sales of lasers, an honorarium for lectures, travel expenses. What is the standard for this.

    Thanks again for helping me clear up this unfortunate situation.


    #8272 Reply



    Too bad someone is spreading this kind of junk.

    In the time I have known you, you have always been very upfront about your affiliations and I think anyone that visits here knows that. You were one of the 1st to post your affiliations in your profile here and Hoya is fortunate to have you as a laser user. I think your interest in advancing laser dentistry, as a whole, is also obvious.

    I have never been asked to speak (or promised anything for promoting a certain product) so I can’t comment on what is ‘UCR’ for speaking.  Although, as a  result of some recent emails I have  received lately,  I think someone might be considering paying me to keep my mouth shut !

    Anyway, keep up the good work- those who really matter, know the truth.

    #8278 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Thanks ROn, we all make mistakes from time to time but this one really galled me. I have tried after my early years to really pick my words carefully , always stressing when something is opinion vs fact, and also emphasizing my personal bias towards Hoya. I have always strived to show that many different lasers are capable of providing both hard and soft tissue procedures.

    I hope that with time FOtona, Deka, Opus and Kavo users will chime in here and show us their cases for personal consumption.

    As for keeping you mum via emails, I dont know who it could be but from what I have seen here you are a gentleman so I doubt it could be anything big.

    All the best, and thanks for your kind words, its JUST the medicine I needed.


    #8273 Reply


    I sure am glad you cleared that up!!!I feel so much better. smile.gif
    It is unfortunate that in dentistry today there is a group of lecturers that have frankly been bought out . They will promote whatever gets them the most return.
    It really hurts the lecturers that are out to advance our profession.
    All anyone has to do is read your posts and talk with you to realize that you are truthful and sencere.
    PS. Instead of sending cash this time can you get me that discount on the scope?

    #8279 Reply

    Glenn van As

    HI David: I will start by sending the eyecups for you for the scope.

    Gosh you crack me up. I really appreciate the sincere remarks and kindness from people here.

    David , you know what is funny, is that I can look at certain companies and see positives for each and negatives for each and that includes Hoya.

    Now if I mention that someone , for instance Biolase has a positive (ie Marketing) or a negative ( perhaps trunk fiber instability if all steps are not followed ) then people get mad.

    I try to quote literature in my statements and in addition go from what users of the products are telling me.

    I am testing a new laser not on the market now and I find it has some unique plusses and minuses. I will forward those thoughts to the manufacturer for their benefit.

    Its the same thing I do for new users. I just had a guy email me from S. Africa wanting to know about lasers. I will tell him which ones are available and to come here to learn more.

    I do hope that this is not perceived by others as a personal only bias towards any one company. I have publically stated my bias numerous times but people like yourself, Mark Colonna, Stewart, Ron, Ron Kaminer and Allen have shown cases done with great skill with other lasers. These names just come off the top of my head.

    I do appreciate the brand free type of education that goes on in this forum. Its professional, educational and civil.



    #8277 Reply


    I’m not getting paid by anyone, but would love to get in on that action! If anyone wants to give me something for speaking on lasers. . .I can be bought! 😉 How’s that for honest and open disclosure!
    Al B

    #8276 Reply


    Hi Glenn,

    It’s unfortunate such unfound accusation is being dished to you, Glenn. The laser user community is a failrly congenial and friendly group made up of clinicians who are more than willing to share for the benefit of all in order to provide greater patient care.

    The laser nonuser may be another story.

    Like most things, I hope this will pass and your reputation is not tarnished in any way. When one is out in the open, it is hard to dodge all the arrows.


    #8282 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Dear Glenn,

    Let’s see.  How have thee been slighted, demeaned, disparaged, defamed, disrespected, discriminated against, devalued, demotivated, and dismissed over the years?  Let me count the ways.  NOT!  

    These are cheap shots by cheap people who get more shrill, the more desperate they become in the face of a person with integrity who offers reason over emotion.  Fuget a’bout it.  It’s not worth it.  But it is worth defending one’s integrity when one is directly defamed!

    To answer your question:

    As someone who has been paid, compensated, reimbursed, etc in this industry over the past 13 years, and now as someone who is now paying and compensating others,  I think I can offer fair comment.

    First let me say that I have spent a fair amount of time visiting with Glenn, and he and I have discussed his compensation for his lectures and the like, as we explored the possibilities of one day his using a PerioLase MVP-7.  Everything Glenn has ever discussed with me is exactly what he has represented in his frequent and most public written disclosures.  MDT and I have offered to loan Glenn an MVP-7 at some appropriate time in the future as part of our introduction to Canada, and Glenn has been receptive to the idea.  Del and I discussed the introduction of the MVP-7 into Canada through a distributor, and Glenn expressed a mutual desire to talk about it after some experience with it.  MDT, Del and I have invited Glenn to speak at our User’s group meeting Feb 13, 14 2004, and he has graciously accepted.  At no time, since I have known Glenn in any of these discussions did the subject of “kick-backs”, or percentage commission from sales he might be associated with ever enter the discussions–even in jest.

    There isn’t anyone I have met in all of dentistry that has more integrity than Glenn.  He is in person what all of see in his posts–personable, honorable, humorous, honest, forthright and truthful.  If Glenn tells me something is so, I’m gonna believe it.

    As far as UCR for lecturing goes, I’ve seen quite a range of arrangements.

    When one is asked to give a day lecture out of town:

    1.  Expenses for any travel, hotel, meals–sometimes that can include the spouse or kids.
    2.  Usually an honorarium is paid for “named” speakers that can range from &#36250 to &#362500 or more, depending on the reputation of the speaker.
    3.  Often a daily stipend if the trip is overseas or for an extended time out of the office like a week.
    4.  Occasionally gifts by the company are given in appreciation for exceptional work.

    Sometimes a “finder’s fee” is paid if such an arrangement is worked out and agreed to by the parties, but that is separate from lecturing and is usually spread out over many different people.

    Any and all of these payment arrangements, except for expense reimbursements, can be taken as a “draw” against a company account that can be applied towards products, devices, peripherals and the like.

    Sometimes, a discount for a laser system is given by the company to a lecturer, but not anymore than a discount given to other people the company deems worthy for a show of appreciation or affiliation.

    In my past years as a lecturer for other companies, I never received a kick-back or a % of the sales I was involved with.  In retrospect, maybe I should have asked for it.  Heck, I deserved it, and someone was making lots of money off my efforts.  But back then, as I’m sure many are now, I was just happy to be talking to other dentists about the exciting stuff I was doing, while getting some of my expenses paid.  Eventually, I realized, I could earn more money practicing than teaching or lecturing, so I cut waaay back.  (And starting a laser manufacturing company is NO way to make a living or any money–that’s why I still practice, well not really…..I love to practice.)

    But when you think about such an allegation against Glenn from a manufacturer’s standpoint, what percentage of sale would you pay a lecturer to make it worth his while?  Sales reps are paid anywhere from 10 to 15% for capital equipment.  They get that % in order to feed their families.  The company isn’t going to pay and additional percentage or “override” on top of that percent–not for very long.  And how many sales reps are going to split-commissions–again for very long?  And who wants to orchestrate that in management.  I’m not saying it isn’t done, or isn’t administered, but it would be a pain–and only worth the efforts for a couple lecturers or a few “producers”.  And maybe that’s where the criticism is coming from–those that actually have such an arrangement.  Like my Dad still says, “It takes one to know one.”  But in this case, they don’t know Mike….I mean Glenn.

    Consider the source…….

    All the best,


    #8281 Reply

    Kenneth Luk

    Hi Glenn,

    It doesn’t take too long to find out whether one is bias to the company he speaks for.

    Reading through your posts and personal e-mails, you’ve given me very objective views on different lasers ( though you keep emphasising on your bias towards DElight ).

    Anyone who’s read your posts can feel your enthusiasm towards laser dentistry and microdentistry; and wouldn’t take such slender seriously.



    P.S. I’ll see if I can make it in Feb to meet up with you and Bob in his lectures.

    #8275 Reply


    I agree with Ken, for the most part, your posts don’t disparrage between different companies products, but as to the clinical application being used to either teach us, or for you to gain wisdom from others on your posts. If it was from someone I know, email me privately, if you want to, and we can dispell the rumor mill.

    As for myself, like Bob says, I get an honorarium from Biolase, ONLY when I am speaking for THEM. I have NEVER received a % of sales. That is something I DON’T EVER have a need for. I represent what I believe, and what I bought, as I have paid IN FULL for my lasers. As far as other lectures/classes/seminars, as you, I get whatever I can negotiate for. There is so much politics invovled in the laser industry right now, I can’t believe it. Now, if I am off base, I sure don’t seem to see it with Bob and Del! So far, it is what has led me to start saving up for a Periolase, because of what they seem to represent. I have no time for the other “stuff”.

    In closing, Glenn, you are one of the top men in our field, thanks for sharing, caring, and I ask you to keep up your great work. On a side note, I got a chance to work with a scope and a Waterlase, real cool! My 6x loupes are great, but the higher mag. has a real place in microdentistry. We will talk soon. Hope to see you in SF.


    #8274 Reply

    Hi Glenn,
    there is some people who have time to say things like that and there is others who only have time to do dentistry like they love and share it with others dentists.
    I have meet you this summer at muskoka and I am proud of that.
    the enthusiasm that you share with us at this course is the sign of a dentist that doesn’t do that only for the cash.
    Since the first time I have read you on that site I always see a dentist who is proud to show what he have done and who always want to share his results with others.
    You asked what others dentists received for giving courses? In my case I give courses in french for the academy of laser dentistry and like you I am paid for the courses. I had my lasers 1 year before I begin to give lasers courses and I am the only one who pay for using them.

    Tasc group pay

    1.  Expenses for any travel, hotel, meals
    2.  Usually an honorarium is paid .
    3.  Occasionally gifts by tasc group or new tips that they want me to try .

    I had never received  a dime for any lasers sold  by Hoya or biolitec but I can say than I am proud to see more and more dentists working with lasers after all these courses.

    All the best,

    #8280 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Thanks guys for all the replies. I am back from my Toronto excursion and will post a few cases tomorrow. Nothing special but just something for fun.

    I wanted to thank all of you who publically and privately emailed me. I was quite upset when the doctor friend told me of the statements that the one company rep was making.

    In the end these statements directly affected the sale of the laser and who got it. I guess there is some justice in the end, as these utterly false statements of me making kickbacks on the sales of lasers was one of the reasons why this doctor bought a different laser.

    I think that disclosures are important in our industry and I made a big one yesterday at the Toronto lecture.

    In closing it was great to see my good friend Vince Fava yesterday in Toronto, he , like so many others here is committed to learning about lasers and knowing how the science behind them can improve the quality of the treatment we provide for our patients. We yakked about the Laser Dentistry Forum, all the good people on it and when David Kimmel was gonna get a scope!!

    Vince has one David so I scratched him off my list and guess who has come up number one on it………

    REmember , your wife will forgive you , but I wont if you dont get one soon!!!

    Thanks again guys, Mark, Marc Andre, Andrew, and Bob ……what a kind post yours was. Your friendship, honesty, integrity and burning desire to bring education to all of lasers and especially lasers in periodontics is unbelievable……..thanks Bob.

    I wanted to mention that I have learned a ton from peoples posts on here and that I enjoy the comraderie here. I mentioned that to Vince how there is such an air of professionalism here and I do hope that it will continue to be fostered as the membership grows.

    It is a mature, educated group whose comments span beyond the brands they favour……..truly remarkable in my opinion , and something that Vince and I discussed yesterday.

    All the best and again, my heartfelt thanks for all your support.


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