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  • #3144 Reply


    Just came back from one of Ray Bertolotti’s day course on bonding. He is always interesting. He has been evaulating the Kavo O-zone unit for a while now. He was pretty impressed. He is seeing caries reversal as expected. Seems like this time next year the unit will be availble in the states. What a great tool to have .

    #8962 Reply

    I work with healozone since near 1 year

    we have good results in bleaching
    I use healozone before bleach application
    I also use ozone for decay reverse with the home kit
    we can desensibilize tooth with a 30 seconds applications

    #8961 Reply


    CAn you post some cases or at least tell us how you follow these cases.

    #8963 Reply

    We now follow theses cases since near a year
    I received a lot of documentation from kavo in england
    We are few dentist in canada than use the healozone
    I prepare some courses about healozone in quebec
    I use healozone for decay under 40 on diagnodent
                                   root desensibilization
                                   before bleaching
                                   after bleaching
                                   before crown cementation

    The reason is simple, the hygieneist can use the machine in quebec
    I send more photo later


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