Forums Erbium Lasers General Erbium Discussion Removal of temp crown

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  • #2925 Reply

    Glenn van As

    HI folks: every once in a while I get a little worried about pulling a temp crown off and breaking the prep.

    SO for this case on an elderly lady (near 80) I used the laser to cut throught the temp. It took a couple of minutes but I was able to lift the temp off without anesthetic and placed on the permanent without anesthetic.

    The molar needs doing as well but she only wanted the premolar which fractured to be done.

    I used 30 Hz and 140 mj with water and a 400 micron tip to cut the trough.

    Luxatemp was the temp………most cut though I think.

    All the best……….


    Resize of Removal of Temp crown.jpg

    #7263 Reply


    Hi Glenn,

    What is that crown splitter instrument? Please advise.

    I did get a set of Mark’s microdentistry instruments. They are of very high quality. I like the feel of the handle.


    #7264 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Hey Andrew: As for the crown splitter , I dont know who makes it but will look tomorrow….had it a while.

    I like it as its sturdy and usually breaks the bond. In this case it lifted off easily. Never know though!!



    #7267 Reply


    Nice use of your laser and I’m sure the patient appreciated you not having to fire up a diamond or carbide!!!! Dr. Mark Colonna has taught us this trick also with his Er,Cr:YSGG.

    How come Erbiums cut Luxatemp, acrylic and composites? Is it because these materials contain a certain percentage of water? Or do we know if the 2700 to 2900 wavelength is well absorbed by materials in resins?

    Anyone ever tried to cut a polycarbonate crown with an Erbium laser?


    #7265 Reply

    Glenn van As

    I think that the laser cuts the OH molecule in the resin portion of the material (not the filler) and that is why it can cut the material. This is the VOCO material for temps and I know it cuts that but I havent tried the polycarbonate material with the laser.

    Yes Mark Colonna has taught us a thing or two over the months……hes been quiet lately , probably living in Tahiti with all the funds from his great spoons and instruments.



    #7262 Reply


    Hey guys, I’ve been here! Glenn, you’ve been MIA!! with all your meetings lately!

    I have taken off polycarbs as well as luxatemp temps. It is so easy, and the patients don’t feel a thing. Like butter!

    Also, you guys are too nice, you teach ME quite a bit as well. That is what is so cool about this forum. Glenn, I am presuming I won’t see you this weekend. I am in Vancouver for the day 2 lectures, then off to Seattle to be with my wife on her birthday that night. Oh well, I will be back up there soon I am sure. We will have to get together.

    See you all soon.

    #7266 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Yes , Mark I come back on Saturday afternoon (early evening) so I wont be back until then.

    WE will have to get together next time you are here.

    Make sure you give me some advance notice…….hopefully you get alot of people for the lecture.

    There was a laser lecture last week here, one this week with you and one next week for me.

    Lots of laser material.



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