Forums Erbium Lasers General Erbium Discussion Rethinking Waterlase enamel settings.

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  • #7216 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Is it a fiber or a hollow tube or articulated arm.

    THe short pulse is fine, the long pulse may help with bleeding.

    25 Hz limits you for soft tissue smoothness of cut and also limits you for the smoothness of bevels as machines with 50Hz are now available.

    1000mj means it must be hollow wave guide or articulated arm. Not my favs for delivery but that is a personal bias.

    Let us know how it is.


    #7225 Reply

    Kenneth Luk

    Hi Glenn,
    Fiber delivery!
    So what Hz gives smoothness of cut?
    I think their idea is coagulations and soft tissue procedures should be done with their diode. Hence , the combination laser.
    Not enough info yet on their website regarding the Erbium.

    #7204 Reply


    Hi Ken, Hi Glenn,

    yes it is definetly a fibre-delivery system !

    The Er:YAG is optimized for hard tissue ablation only. For soft tissue treatment there is the integrated 30 W diode (810 nm).

    The system was presented first time on the dental show (IDS) in Cologne last week. In the moment treatment parameters for the Er:YAG were optimized by a group of dentists. First units will be delivered in Juli (Europe).

    Detailed information on the website will be available in appr. 4 weeks.


    #7220 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Sounds exciting……I have 50 Hz on my machine and it gies a much smoother cut in soft tissue and is effective on bone after you get through the cortical plate.

    Lower Hz and higher mj (like in your system) is effective in cutting through enamel. I am not sure if 1000Hz will be possible to use without anesthetic.

    I like the fiber delivery system……congrats.

    I like the 1000mj to a point in higher mj is good for enamel.

    I like the diode/erbium combination in one box.

    Sounds exciting and thanks spidey for the update. Send us some photos when you can.



    #7238 Reply

    Kenneth Luk

    Hi Glenn,
    Here are a few photos. I hope I still remember how to download them[img] pic.JPG[/img][img] pic 2.JPG[/img][img] pic 3.JPG[/img]

    (Edited by Kenneth Luk at 5:46 am on April 20, 2005)

    #7218 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Looks cool Ken and I like the diode erbium combo. Neat photos thanks for sharing……rushing off to work now.


    #7211 Reply


    Cool looking machine. Does it have a 3.0w or 30w diode?

    #7183 Reply


    It is a cool looking laser. I do have one major gripe with laser designers. Have these guys ever heard about ergonomics. I have yet to see a laser that was designed with proper ergononics for a dental operatory. Most of the time you have to do a class three motion just to find the place to place the handpiece much less put it back to rest.
    Ok so I am a little testy tonight. Time to go home.

    #7231 Reply

    Kenneth Luk

    The diode is 30W.
    same spec as the Claros

    #7209 Reply


    Thanks for posting the pics, Ken.

    I like the integrated footswitch design. For some people who have different laser wavelengths, ultra-sonic devices, electric handpiece and regular handpiece footswitches, air abrasion unit, photo capture footswitch, …, one less cable connected footswitch is a good thing.

    Glenn, what is the situation with that multi-device integrated footswitch these days?


    #7219 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Hi Andrew…….I have to get someone who is willing to come in and put the thing together. That has been the major stumbling block.

    Can you think of anyone.


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