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  • #4605 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    To all of those “in Focus”,

    I just want to thank Ron Schalter for setting this up. It is much easier to track the goings on and get the info together, and into one place this way.

    Ron has always been a stand-up guy and supporter of laser dentistry, so thanks Ron.

    Secondly, I would like to reassure everyone that if everyone “throws” into this effort, this will get sorted out in your favor. It may take some work, but I have never seen any 3rd party entity win these disputes as long as the Employer/Purchaser was on the patient/beneficiaries’ side and/or the and doctor’s side.

    In my non-legal but well researched and versed opinion, when Dr. Jeff Johnson has a competitive financial interest in seeing LANAP vs his procedures fail, and his business partner/associate Dr. Tom McClellan is the Director of Dental Services for Delta that is facilitating this outcome—and only LANAP dentists are being targeted, then that is “anti-competitive” conduct and it is a violation of the FTC anti-trust Act and probably the Michigan State anti-trust laws.

    It is illegal for two people or entities to enter into to any “agreement” or an “arrangement” whereby they agree to restrain competition for a lawful professional service. It is illegal for two dentists to do it to drive out another dentist in town or hurt the other’s business, and it in illegal when a entity that has “monopoly” power for a given source of money to enter into such an agreement with another person or entity to drive other competitor(s) out of business—or hurt their business.

    Now, we just have to convince the legal, political and employer entities that this is going on and it is inappropriate if not a crime.

    Best wishes for a speedy outcome.


    #22643 Reply

    Michael Aiello


    I don’t know Tom McClellan’s relationship with Jeff Johnston. It is Tom Fleszar the Delta CEO that is the former partner of Johnston.

    Prior to taking over at Delta, Fleszar was one of the 2 lead partners in a 4 office Perio practice that is around my office (Johnston was the 3rd partner). For what it is worth over the last 15 years they have expanded by buying out the nearest offices to them and they now have 6 offices. My office is in the center of these six and there isn’t any other Perio specialty office nearby. Here is part of a press release in 2001:

    OKEMOS, Mich.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Nov. 7, 2001

    Dr. Thomas J. Fleszar was appointed by the board of directors to become president and CEO of the affiliated Delta Dental Plans of Michigan, Ohio and Indiana, replacing C. Richard Seitz who is retiring at the end of this year.

    Fleszar, of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, joined Delta Dental in 1997 ….

    #22644 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Thanks Mike,

    I stand corrected. It is Dr. Fleszar that I should have identified, not Dr McCellen. However, the point remains the same, if not worse as Fleszar is the Delta CEO.


    #22645 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    I have attached the highlighted version of the ADA’s letter to Delta of MI.

    It places the authority to code for procedures under the discretion of the dentist, not Delta, even for LANAP.

    I recommend including this letter with any documentation to patients, HR Departments , and legal authorities.


    #22642 Reply


    What should we be doing to help speed up the change in Delta to better help our patients get the treatment they need?


    #22646 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Well, David,

    It really depends on you and what your interest level is.

    In 1987 or so, The Travelers sent out letters to 50,000 dentists saying that they were doing too many procedures based on other dentists in the zip code. Oral surgeons were told they were doing more extractions than other dentists. Periodontist were told that they were doing more perio surgery than other dentists. They made no distinction between specialist and GP.

    It was the first attempt at profiling dentists with computers and it was a PR disaster for the Travelers. I’m not sure they ever recovered from that.

    What many of us did, was to get the names of all the employers that had dental benefits contracts with The Travelers. We got our info from Trojan Dental at the time.

    We circulated that list and we all wrote letters of outrage over this conduct by Travelers. Then the ADA got involved and also took a position–but only because 50,000 ADA members or so were being impacted.

    We don’t have those numbers. But this is more than one or two, too. But it would be a mistake to think that ADA will not repsond if enough of you rise up in Righteous Indignation to anyone and everyone you can write to:

    1. The National Delta Organization
    2. ADA John Findley (he has stated he is of a different mind than before)
    3. Employers with Delta MI contracts
    4. The MI State Attorny General
    5. The MI Dept of Insurance
    6. The FTC
    7. The AGD
    8. TV news – we can help with a press release on the national news wires.
    9. Get you patients to write letters to ALL of the above
    10. Complain on Consumer Complaint websites
    11. The AAP

    This is ALL our fight, but you who are impacted te most have to take the initiative.

    We have to create enough PR and economic and professional PAIN for Delta that costs them more than what they want to do to facilitate the desires of Dr F and Dr. JJ

    You, David, Mike and others did a great job in starting with the ADA. They have given us something to work with. We have to build on it, and never stop until we win this battle.


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