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  • #3153 Reply


    I know this has little to do with lasers but I do respect the opinions of those who post here.
    C factor, the ratio of bonded to unbonded surfaces, is the current explanation of tooth sensitivity after bonding. It has been suggested that composit be placed on one wall at a time, thereby reducing stress on the tooth.
    I know this is not scientific but ever since I have been using the YSGG and utilizing Graeme’s technique of filling up the prep ,first with Fuji9 thenflowable anf finally “condesable” composite, I just don’t get the sensitivity. I am able to place the composite in bulk on opposing walls. Never any sensitivity.
    What do you think? Anyone else notice this? or have I committed bonding heresy!


    #8983 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS




    #8984 Reply

    I know this has little to do with lasers but I do respect the opinions of those who post here.
    C factor, the ratio of bonded to unbonded surfaces, is the current explanation of tooth sensitivity after bonding. It has been suggested that composit be placed on one wall at a time, thereby reducing stress on the tooth.
    I know this is not scientific but ever since I have been using the YSGG and utilizing Graeme’s technique of filling up the prep ,first with Fuji9 thenflowable anf finally “condesable” composite, I just don’t get the sensitivity. I am able to place the composite in bulk on opposing walls. Never any sensitivity.
    What do you think? Anyone else notice this? or have I committed bonding heresy!



    Your findings are consistent with those of my own, however, it is my opinion they are unrelated to use of the YSGG which I obtained in 2001.  Around 1998 determined I wanted to start shifting away from amalgam and become more proficient in placement of posterior composites.  In 1999, found that we could bulk place posteriors without sensitivity by covering dentin with 3M Vitrebond.

    #8982 Reply





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