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  • #3040 Reply


    First I want to thank you guys. Came across this site from DT. I have learned more in the last couple hours lurking then I would have thought possible.
    I will be getting a Waterlase and a Lasersmile in a couple weeks. So I really have no clue how to use these things!!
    Looking for some names of people to train with.
    Also I am in Fl is the ALD in Destin a worth while trip??

    #8314 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Hi there Dr. Kimmel. Congrats on the new laser purchases. Make sure you go into this with your eyes open as to what lasers can do. They are not panaceas for all. I think they are great adjucnts for handpieces and traditional mechanisms of doing dentistry.

    If you want some fun………go back to this post by our fearless leader Ron Schalter, a man whom I have the utmost of respect for because he has trained himself through a standard course from the ALD and in addition from reading through information here.

    I really like the ALD but to say that you will learn alot about the Biolase is not really truthful. I think that you will need to learn about lasers from several areas.

    1. Sign up and go to the ALD in Destin. I usually go but cant this year due to prior commitments to lecture here in Vancouver.

    2. Go to the WCLI in New York which is really Biolase oriented.

    3. Read through all the posts here , and I mean that . There is a ton of information with alot of pics here.

    4. Get Jeff Mannis text book : Dental applications of Advanced Lasers.

    5. Get the October 2000 book on lasers from the Dental Clinics of North America which was totally dedicated to lasers.

    6. Sign up for a standard proficiency course in lasers from an accredited provider (heck see if Biolase has any of these courses in Erbium and in Diode)

    7. Get past issues of Wavelengths from the Academy of laser dentistry which shows clinical cases in different wavelengths, and learning about the different wavelengths will help you with the diode and your erbium.

    None of these individually will help you learn your laser inside out but all together they will definitely help you become more adept understanding laser science and laser physics which are the basic elements for understanding how your individual laser works and what settings to use and why.

    Is that clear as Mud?


    #8320 Reply


    Welcome to the Board. I had a good experience with Dr. Chenn he is a conscientious and dedicated teacher. Your rep will know about his courses as well as other possible sources. The national meetings are also outstanding for information and discussion. I just returned from the Dana Point meeting and it was a great time for me ( user for 14 months).

    #8306 Reply


    Glenn, Looks like this is going to take more than one weekend to get master lasers. Thanks for the references. Ron was one of the guys that influenced me from his postings on DT to look into getting the laser. Mark Colonna lecture in Vegas pushed me over the edge. So much to learn. The ALD is out for me this year .

    Pat, I’ll check with the rep on Dr. Chen. Thanks. I noticed that you had studied under Travell. That must have been something. Just now reading through Vol1. Great stuff but hard to read for any length of time. Have you used the diode laser on any trigger points?


    #8317 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Hi there David: I still havent “mastered” lasers, and that is the fun thing. You think to yourself………hmmm….what would happen here if I did this. Classic example is the bone recontouring case I did last week , it was the first time I cut the flap with the erbium and raised one and my first real osseous recontouring case.

    I plan on trying to get some microsurgical instruments and try this more often refining my techniques as I go.

    I think you can become very very adept at using lasers from looking at the photos on this site, reading the posts, seeing what others are doing and taking lots of pictures on your cases and reviewing them later.

    Textbooks like Manni’s are excellent starting points and meetings like WCLI ( I havent been but am tempted to go just to see what people are doing, if Keith will ever let me in!!!!)

    Keep an open mind, and try to continually change the way you do things now and in addition do things that are out of the box (Mark is very good at this) and provide treatments that you never did before you got the laser (for example I now do frenectomies, gingival recontourings, biopsies, osseous recontouring, gingival troughing, apthous ulcer treatments, lingual tonge tie releases, and several other things that I never did before I got the lasers).

    Others might want to chip in here too.


    #8310 Reply


    In addition, I would be more than happy if you wanted to come to Whitefish, and learn some from me chairside. I love to teach, and so far, I have seen some great strides in those who I have worked with. Mostly folks from the Pacific Northwest, who take advantage of my location, but the skiing, golf, fishing, Glacier National Park, all just minutes from my office, (as well as a real cool laser in my operatory!). I am always avail by phone too, call, or email me anytime you feel the need to have some questions answered. Bill Chen is a great teacher too, we do differ on the way we deliver our “anesthesia” effect though. Most of the Waterlase users on this board have tried the way I have done it, and seem to be having very good success. I use Bill’s methods sometimes too, but rarely, because I seem to be having success with my own methods. Anyhow, we are here to help, just ask. There are a number of WCLI regional meetings scheduled, just go to and you can find them. Also, in late July, there will be another large, East Coast WCLI meeting in NY City at the Waldorf Astoria. I think this will be the biggest meeting yet. I encourage you to attend, you will find so much information there, it’ll be mind boggling. Glenn, You ought to come, I’ll sneak you in, Keith will never know!

    #8318 Reply

    Glenn van As

    I might have to lose alot of weight then, wear dark sunglasses and go as your brother!!

    I need to talk to Keith one of these days anyways about whether he wants to be part of the two laser lectures I am doing at the ADA in San Fran in October 2003 and I am also doing one in Toronto this year for the ODA on lasers.

    Time will tell if he wants to come and talk to me but it would be a shame for him and Biolase , if he doesnt come and talk to me.



    #8319 Reply



    Travell, great lady. What a teacher. I have used that material since 1988 and regularly recieve physician referrals for pain management. Just finished a case this morning. It is special to see someone get their life back so to speak. I do not own a diode so have not even thought of this idea but it is pause to reflect. I would like to know if the LLLT group has any experience. If you get any information on this please post it. Thanks,

    #8321 Reply



    It is just getting through to me that you are available for training for basic laser certification.  It might be good if we provided on the Board a listing of options for education as this is a regular request.  What is it that you do(format) and when?  One dentist at a time or groups?  Purpose or expectations from the training? Etc.

    I just finished a restoration on a molar which I had previously treated using the laser and found it necessary to anesthetized the patient the first time.  This time I used 5.5w for two full minutes and was able to work without any discomfort.  Thanks for you guidance.


    #8307 Reply


    Pat , So far I have found only this on the net.
    I have a few Facial Pain Pt that this mighthelp with.

    #8311 Reply

    Quote: from Patricio on 9:06 pm on Feb. 17, 2003

    It is just getting through to me that you are available for training for basic laser certification.  It might be good if we provided on the Board a listing of options for education as this is a regular request.  What is it that you do(format) and when?  One dentist at a time or groups?  Purpose or expectations from the training? Etc.

    I just finished a restoration on a molar which I had previously treated using the laser and found it necessary to anesthetized the patient the first time.  This time I used 5.5w for two full minutes and was able to work without any discomfort.  Thanks for you guidance.


    First of all Pat, you are welcome, and thank YOU for all the guidance you have given ME! I appreciate that very much! As for training. Right now, (Glenn, don’t get angry), I don’t have my scope yet. When I do, I can handle probably 3-4 doctors at a time, however as Glenn warns me, I will need to get THAT learning curve down (the use of the scope). Now, I try to have one, maybe two people at a time, as it is easier to teach, and “show and tell” in the operatories. As you know, it is real hard to see such a small thing, as the laser performs, a scope would solve all of this for me, and I am working on getting one. I try to accomodate anyone who is traveling, depending on my lecture schedule, but I am really getting freed up in mid-April. I have one doctor scheduled for March 28 right now. Just let me know what works, and I can help with the details, anyone. Also, for those on the East Coast, Stu Rosenberg has a GREAT 2 day course in his office, with live demonstrations. If you want that number, just email me privately, and I will help you out.

    Just a minute…….HEY, this is my 150th post! I am one of the big boys (Bob, and Glenn, and Ron!). Cool!
    Thanks everyone.

    #8308 Reply


    Mark, Do you think you will have anything open in July?

    #8312 Reply


    Absolutely. After July 1, it is usually blissful summer weather here, low humidities, great for golf, fishing, hiking, lasering. You know, the usual! We can set it up.
    Just let me know.

    #8309 Reply


    Mark tried to e-mail you a couple of times and it appeares to have bounced.
    Trying to fiqure days and stuff. Can you say anymore about what you do. Or just e-mail me with specifics.

    #8315 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Hi Mark…….missed the post that made you 150 . Congrats.

    I would be happy to help you out with the scopes.

    I will be in Atlanta at the Hinman and California at the CDA in Anaheim.

    You going to any of these.

    If you ever want to come North for a lecture it might be fun for you as well to come by and see the office.

    Gonna go post some cases from today.

    nothing to fancy, had to anesthetize most all day…..whiny kids, and whiny adults.


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