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  • #3105 Reply


    there are a lot to choose when ourchaseing a laser opus, biolase, hoya .. can anyone tell me pros and cons?

    #8724 Reply


    Probably to best answer you question everyone will need a little more info.

    What do you want to do with the laser? Hard tissue/ soft tissue /both?

    What are you looking for- all purpose laser vs. best wavelength for a given procedure?

    What do you expect as far as training?

    Answers to these will help get the discussion going.

    BTW, welcome to the forum!

    #8725 Reply


    Dr. Freiden:

    First of all – nice website!!!

    Following are my personal observations:

    1) Biolase Waterlase/HOYA ConBio DELight

    Have owned both units and strongly prefer the flexible optical fiber delivery systems offered by these erbiums.

    Regarding reliability, my Waterlase had multiple, significant and expensive mechanical problems. These issues were not resolved to my satisfaction. My DELight has had one minor electrical problem which was easily resolved.

    The tips on my Waterlase appeared to hold up better than the tips on my DELight. But I was glad to sacrifice a few &#3650 tips when compared to the fact that I have never blown a fiber delivery system on the DELight. With the Waterlase, four optical fiber&#36 were lost.

    Recently, Biolase has introduced the WaterlaseMD and HOYA has the new VersaWave. I’ve never used either model clinically but do have two test drives with the WaterlaseMD. In my opinion, visualization of the treatment site was still superior with the handpiece/tip design of my old HOYA DELight.

    2) Opus Erbium

    Nice unit, I’ve never used clinically but have received training from Opus on the system. I like the handpiece and the tips just didn’t care for the hollow waveguide delivery system. Seemed short, stiff and awkward for access in my hands.

    Best Wishes,


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