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Community UserSpectatorPatient referred to have endo reTx
Endodontist made 3 attempts to remove silver point by troughing and placing ‘paste’.
Patient didn’t want to give up so…
FRVP nd:YAG 100us 180 mj 20hz
placed next to silver point, directed into trough. Laser fired 2x for total of 50J. Hemostat applied to silver point and rotated. Silver point removed.[img][/img]
Pt referred back to endodontist who finished endo. Sorry endodontist still uses film and I can’t scan or I’d post his final.
Like DAvid said in his erbium posts… been awhile so it was time to post and this happened to be something a little different.
Hope you find it useful,
Community UserSpectatorWhy 20 hz instead of 15 (or 10 Hz)?
dkimmelSpectatorOld Habits. 10Hz does not do as well as 15 or 20 Hz. Though I use 10 Hz for all my hard tissue stuff. I think it is more of a thermal relaxation deal. I also think the 15Hz and 20 Hz has more to do with cooling of the pupal tissue then interferring with the Na, K pump or interferening with the A and C fibers.
dkimmelSpectatorThats a cool trick.. Periolase to the rescue again.
JanetCenturySpectatorHey where is everyone? I’ve already been to a buffet (Aladdin), been to the spa twice, and seen a show (new Cirque de Soleil to Beatles music). Only lost Ŭ so far.
See y’all tomorrow!
Nick LuizziSpectatorDavid:
This is an approach that I started to use based on a post you did about a year ago. It worked pretty well. It just got left in the back of my brain.Thanks for bringing it up again, I am going to work on it. Great post, as always. Nick Luizzi
Glenn van AsSpectatorwhat do you want to know. I have used it for 5-6 months.
Glenn van AsSpectatorDavid that was very well done. (even for a Waterlase user GRIN)
I like the result and the resin was beautiful. Do you do similar stuff for veneers.
Tell us about how you kept the resin there in place.
PS We miss you at the MDT meeting and how was the ALD after I left on Thurs
toothsloothSpectatorHi, Janet!
It was great to meet up with you again at the MDT/Townie meeting. We’re sorry we couldn’t stay any longer at the Gala. Mamma Mia was a lot of fun and Annie enjoyed the buffet at the Wynn. Kinda weird how the Aladdin will become a Hotel Planet Hollywood! Just got in this morning…hope you had a great flight back to Detroit. Good luck on the new office!
marc andre gagnonSpectatorhello
what kind of laser is it
is it like the periowave
Glenn van AsSpectatorNo Marc: the laser is a very low level laser with a methylene blue dye that is placed into the pocket and then the canula is placed in and fired for a minute. Cold laser which inactivates the gram negative bugs mainly but all bugs to some degree.
Hope that helps.
Look up to see it in action.
Glenn van AsSpectatorHey Jimmy and Janet…..(J and J company)….it was great seeing you both at the MDT meeting and I think it was fun to catch up with everyone at the Gala.
I hope that you all have a little boost from the meeting at the office and that things continue to hum along in your offices.
Keep on lazin……
Glenn van AsSpectatorHi folks: I dont know how many of you get ESOLA but in the Spring 2007 issue Dr. Giovanni Oliva and Maria Genovese ( I believe its his wife) from Rome wrote a really great article on the ” Effect of Er:YAG Laser Parameters on Enamel: SEM Observations.”
In this article the conclusion was something I have been preaching for many years now on how to improve the bond strength on enamel using the laser….
I quote from the conclusion…..
“This study confirms the possibility of performing ablation within defined limits, forming microcavities with a finely etched and rough surface that are well prepared for treatment with adhesive restorative materials. For best treatments, it is recommended to use lower levels of energy emitted at a higher repetition rate.”
In the study he compared both the Delight (contact) and I believe a Kavo Key 3 laser (non contact ) with both high and low pulses and high and low energy.
There was SEM evidence of induced alterations in both lasers at the high energy settings (MJ) with microcracks, melting and flakes. This leads of course to poorer bonding and is something we must be concerned with.
It is absolutely imperative that you either go back over your enamel bevels at low mj and high rep rate or scrape, air abrade or use a bur to remove this layer to get a bond that wont leak.
Ask me how I know.
Many many of the research articles use power settings that give microleakage and just because it is enamel doesnt mean that you must use high enamel settings. For your bevels you must keep the Hz high and mj low.
Dr. Olivi is someone who I saw again at the ALD meeting ( it was good this year even though I was only there for 2 days), and he is very knowledgeable has gorgeous slides (both SEM and regular scope photos) and his articles are clinically based.
Hope that you get a chance to read this one….it was well done.
phil2uallSpectatorI saw it at the Midwinter meeting and ordered one still waiting aparently for written FDA approval suppusedly have verbal.
Glenn van AsSpectatorI have seen it, its cool and has disposable tips and alot of neat simple things similar to the Odyssey.