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  • in reply to: Premolar fustration #11892


    Rod, Yep this patient is a clincher/grinder. Have her using an NTI. This was probably about the worst case to try this on ( just working on a relative is often the kiss of death) Then again family are always the best to practice on! Still trying to get one to let me do a flap with the laser. smile.gif
    Thanks Again

    in reply to: Bridge prep, extraction and bone relief #6942

    Robert Gregg

    Hi Glenn,

    I hope that my cases help a little to stimulate you to see what is possible and that my mistakes help you in preventing to make the same ones…….lord knows I make enough of them.

    Just ask Bob……..

    Your case presentation are the best!  Your dedication  to share your cases so we can all appreciate what is possible in your hands, with technology we now have available to us is superb!  Your willingness to listen to what others have to contribute is testimony to your graciousness…..

    Thanks for all you do to contribute to the advancement of technology and especially lasers in dentistry!!!

    Your “mistakes” are nothing compared to those I have made over the years…. wow.gif


    in reply to: Premolar fustration #11889


    It worked! Tooth #31 with a medium size occlusal alloy with a crack in the distal marginal ridge. Did the 90sec bathing just like before. This time it worked great. Bathed the tooth at least 4 more times.
    When finished asked the patient 1-10 how uncomfortable. She said she felt nothing!
    Today I am a happy camper!
    Thanks for the help!

    in reply to: Premolar fustration #11894


    OK, David, you are becoming Godlike! Great job. Always nice to hear success stories. Keep them coming.

    in reply to: Premolar fustration #11890


    Thanks Mark but the last time someone said I was
    G-dlike I ended up spending the night on the couch! smile.gif

    in reply to: Premolar fustration #11895



    in reply to: Removing Temporaries #11394


    Mark, I am so glad you posted this about temps. Had a phobic in today who broke the pontic out of a 3 unit temp. It was cemented by mistake with Fuji plus ( Another story). When I picked up the Highspeed to section it off , she got upset. Said she has always hated the THAT SOUND. With your idea in the back of my head I removed it with the laser. Best part except in one small spot it cause the Fuji to pop loose from the core.
    Started out with a upset patient and ended up with a patient experiencing the laser and being very happy.

    in reply to: Hard Tissue Procedures #3427

    mickey frankl

    I am thinking of buying a warelase and wondered if anyone can give their opinion as to how good this laser is compared to other makes(example Opus 20).
    Can one realy do RCT with it as fast as the rep claims and with no anaesthetic?
    Also how good is the Smilelase for Bleeching?

    in reply to: Soft Tissue Procedures #3341


    treated a dentist’s wife for recurrent chancre sore on tip of tongue..she has had severe pain with these guys whenever she gets them and it took 3 treatments to kill the pain but here is the kicked….they usually recur for her quickly in and around the same spot where she got them last …The dentist called me today to tell me his wife hasnt had a recurrence in 5 weeks and by now they ALWAYS would have returned…. I have never heard this angle before with chronic recurrence but maybe this is some new insight into this viral phenomenon…..Comments? Cheers to all

    in reply to: Removing Temporaries #11400

    Glenn van As

    Great Story David……..what I like is how successful you are becoming with the laser. I watched on dental town and I really admire the fact that you are getting in there , and not getting discouraged by the few setbacks (removing amalgam) and just going ahead and trying different things.

    Today I kept one of Ron’s ideas in my head and used both my erbium and the diode for a herpes simplex virus on the nose (underneath it) on one of my dental assistants.

    Used the erbium for the surface at 3-20 Hz and 30mj without water and then the diode at 300-500 mw and 15Hz to get a deeper penetration.

    Worked good I think……time will tell.



    in reply to: Bridge prep, extraction and bone relief #6940

    Glenn van As

    Thanks Bob…… know this board, you , Mark , Al, the two Ronnies (hey wasnt there a British comedy abou them) challenged me to become better.

    Tom Haney from Continuum forced me to become better using the laser for soft tissue after only using it for restorations in the beginning.

    I started using it for frenectomies, biopsies, gingival recontouring around healthy tissue on Class Vs and was very surprised at how it planed tissue away.  Totally different than my soft tissue lasers.

    Then started looking into bone and by god it works nice and then started thinking out of the box.

    Mark does that very well, so do you with Perio.

    The scope just is a godsend for video taping and for documentation and I know that the high mags have force me to think about dentistry (and lasers) in a totally different light.

    I appreciate all the friendships I have made through my scope indoctrinations and I hope that people out there enjoy the presentations for all they are.  Examples of some laser dentistry that can always be improved but at least is graphical (pun intended) and photographic in nature to give a truer sense of what was done.

    I do it only one way and you all have shown me other ways of doing things and this is how my education improves.

    I do hope that people realize that I dont post because of any holier than thou mentality but just to help improve my work and this photography thing is like a hobby to me…….

    I had a patient ask me what I do with all the photos today and I told them…….some I keep some I just look at and delete……some I post………

    Its a hobby and a fun one.

    ALl the best to you and everyone here.

    Thanks for the kind words……..they make it allworth while.


    PS here are some new pics of me with the scope to show the video camera that we are attaching to the scope that shoots 3 chip digital video and I am getting pretty good color and little vignetting these days.

    Makes me very very happy.




    in reply to: waterlase #11206



    If you do a search you’ll find threads on most of those topics, except the endo. I think Mark C. said awhile back he had a endo case to post , but he’s been pretty busy lecturing.

    Welcome to the forum!

    in reply to: waterlase #11220


    Ok everyone, here is the latest one that the Waterlase saved my butt on.  This will take 2 posts to place it in, so bear with me. Patient came in with #4 fractured lingual cusp.


    2nd photo showing cusp removed.


    3rd photo showing gingival area on the lingual, with pulp horn exposure on the lingual.


    I ended up undercuting the amalgam with the laser and popped it out, then performed the Endo with the waterlase.
    Preop Xray here.


    Then place initial #15 K-files in place, and radiograph:


    Then use Waterlase for complete endo Tx utilizing Z-2 through Z-3 tips, which equal to a #35-40 K-file.


    Here is the final radiograph of the Endo procedure.


    Followed by the crown lengthening procedure after the endo was completed.


    I then did a build up with composite, which I didn’t get a picture of, prepped the tooth for a crown with the laser, and am seating this next week, where I will have a follow up picture for you. This was all done without anesthetic. I love my Waterlase, one visit, all the procedures, an emergency visit that MORE than made my lease payment. What do you guys think?

    in reply to: Hard Tissue Procedures #3491


    Just talked with a dentist in CF that was told that an office was removing alloys with the waterlase. Not numbing with the laser but removing the alloy. The key was the doc said that you had to know what you were doing or you distroyed the trunk fiber. They also said vaporized the alloy.
    You guys hear anything like this? What do you think?

    in reply to: Alloy removal rumor #11772


    Must be a new kind of alloy that contains water particles for them to be able to vaporize it.


    I think that story is even wilder than the one about Glenn in a Biolase shirt.

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