Forum Replies Created
Robert Gregg DDSSpectatorWhat?!
Varying the pulse duration actually, really, honestly makes biologic difference in tissue?!
Get OUT of here. Or as Ron K might say, “Fu get about it.”
Some professor-type academicians in the ALD have been telling the members and saying for years that pulse duration doesn’t matter and it’s just a marketing gimick!
You mean I didn’t learn it all correctly from ALD?? And here I am an ALD Certified Educator and all……….:confused: Time to git myself retrained and educated again.:angry:
Sorry, I couldn’t help myself……..
Now if some company wanted to purchase LDf……..
2thlaserSpectatorLOL, Bob, I FEEL, I mean I FEEL your pain with ALD…..oh man!
czeqm8SpectatorI used the periolase for this treatment. As far as power and other settings, I pressed the gingevectomy button. How is that for user friendly? I am not going back to work until Tuesday, so I cannot tell you what those settings are. Maybe someone else at work can chime in here.
In similar fasion for gingival troughing, I press the troughing button, etc. There are tons of pre-set buttons on the periolase. All are easily changed, but the presets are excellent starting points.
SwpmnSpectatorQUOTEActually, I have used the MD a ton, as has Jim Jesse. When you cut with the water off in the 700ms mode, it performs very much like a diode. In fact Ron, I disagree with you about a bleeder. When I get one, I use the MD without water, very low settings with higher hz rates and can control it very very well. I don’t even get the diode out anymore. Cleaning the tips are easy, and yes, tissue clings to the tip in a dryer cut, but can be cleaned easily with a wet guaze. I only have this problem with the zirconium tips.Ron S…any way we can start to show some video clips on the site, maybe in the pushing the envelope section? so as to keep it easy? Just a thought.
From what you are saying, control of hemorrhage is greater using the soft tissue 700 usec pulse without water? Seems to agree with the work I did using Waterlase and DELight for crown/bridge retraction. Problem was the “cotton candy” soft tissue ablation products tended to mess up my tips when I didn’t use water.
When you say “very low settings with higher hz rates” is that like 0.1-0.5W and 50Hz? Is the tip used out of contact for retraction around prosthetic preparations?
Video probably isn’t necessary but could you post some pics of crown/bridge retraction or retraction for Class V restorations using the MD with the long pulse duration?
To me this is an important topic and I haven’t seen a whole lot of discussion on whether a long pulse duration erbium can reduce the need for diode/Nd:YAG with regard to soft tissue surgery and hemostasis. Lares is currently promoting a multiple pulse duration erbium(unit looks familiar and I have a bunch of questions). Will take a look at the machine next week at our annual Florida meeting.
SwpmnSpectatorQUOTEI used the periolase for this treatment. As far as power and other settings, I pressed the gingevectomy button. How is that for user friendly? I am not going back to work until Tuesday, so I cannot tell you what those settings are. Maybe someone else at work can chime in here.In similar fasion for gingival troughing, I press the troughing button, etc. There are tons of pre-set buttons on the periolase. All are easily changed, but the presets are excellent starting points.
That’s cool bro. I do all of my posting at home. Half the time can’t even remember what settings I used during the day.
PerioLase user? Nuff said. Credibility established. Remains the only laser manufacturer which will not ship the unit until the user is properly trained.
dkimmelSpectatorAllen we all know varable pulse duration is a marketing ploy!!!!
MAn , I am sure to catch heck next weekend.
I also have had pretty good luck with the MD at 700us at higher HZ and dry. As good as the diode. Then again I think the diode is limited in that respect as well.
Then again Eric’s article with ME blue has me interested again in my diode. I ordered some made up with TAC to try out.
Back to the MD. I wonder why 700us? Seems to close toe thermal relaxation time of skin.Allen you can come up and play again if you want. MAybe we can get someone to try out the diode, MD at 700us and the periolase on. I’ll see if I can get my mother inlaw back to the office.
Glenn van AsSpectatorDavid, have you got the upgrade on the DeLight.
Have you tried 50Hz and the short pulse duration to see whether the lack of water and the high pulse rate is what prevents bleeding
Non contact,
High Pulse rate (40-50 Hz)
Chisel tip
No waterAll are secrets to no bleeding.
Now is this the difference or is the pulse duration of 700 microseconds more important that the tissue absorption curves I learned and loved.
Hmmmmm…..inquiring minds want to know.
All I know is my frenectomy today bled in contact.
My frenctomy posted from the other day didnt bleed (everybody ignores it) and guess what it had a pulse duration of 300 microseconds or close to it.
I think Wildman has forgotten about me.
Very interesting. I hate plucking those fibers with the Er. What your saying is nocontact and no plucking??? Sweet.
Glenn van AsSpectatorHi David…… plucking fibers,no bleeding and guess what, no smutz on the tip.
Robert Gregg DDSSpectatorThanks Mark! LDF is my sactuary from the inane and “superior” minds that know it all……..
Allen, sounds lke soon enough you will have a wet lab in David’s office. David might even be able to help once his welts have gone down……
Powerlase Nd:YAG– 150, 300, 1000 usec. 150–good overall ablation PD, minimal hemo; 300–why bother?; 1000–malpractice coverage paid up?
Glenn here’s a thought: Defocusing away from the tissue increases the diameter of the spot size, thereby reducing the intensity (Inverse square law). It is akin to increasing the pulse duration (gimick thing) since the tissue is warmed and low settings (tissue not ablated) help the warming effect.
Did I say that David is !@#$%^&* TOAST?? You’re in the FRONT row!
(Edited by Robert Gregg DDS at 9:26 am on July 1, 2005)
dkimmelSpectatorBob beware I am bringing my WICKED LASER!!!!
I can tell we are going to have a great time next weekend. Looking forward to some fun and laser CE.
Robert Gregg DDSSpectatorOooooooh Noooooo!
Okay, you can sit in the back row……..
I wonder if we can light up Catalina 26 miles offshore?
2thlaserSpectatorWith my 85mw one we could
Glenn, headed out of town, and will try to freeze some video frames I have with the MD like you ask, then post the stills. I am still learning how to take good photos with my scope, and videos as well. You didn’t TELL me about THAT learning curve!!!
It’s been real fun though. I hope everyone has a great July 4th (USA) weekend, and in Canada, uh, I mean eh? hee hee, have a great weekend too!
Glenn van AsSpectatorMark ……today is a holiday here.
Canada day = July 1st
Mark I dont doubt you with the pulse duration because Bob says it works for the Peiolase but you gotta be fooling the tissue.
I do know that with the chisel tip I can defocus on the frenctomies and really decrease the bleeding. Try it for those of you who have access to these tips for frenectomies.
Mark if you need help email me.
Have a great time out and about…….said in my best Canadian accent.