Forum Replies Created
Robert Gregg DDSSpectatorWell said Andrew.
I can’t think of much to add to your eloquent post.
Geat to spend time with Glenn in beautiful SD. (I deleted the pictures).
Glenn van AsSpectatorPhew Bob…… if I could get my hands on those pictures of me using the Waterlase MD with the scope!!
It was a great meeting this weekend and it was wonderful to see Bob and Del again, to see some other friends again like Mark Colonna who is so well respected here for his teachings, Bob Barr. Gloria, Joe Whitehouse, Tim Harbolt, Graeme Milicich (this guy sure knows his stuff), Kim Kutsch and others that just escape my mind now.
It is still primarily a Biolase/GC/Denmat sponsored meeting and with time I am sure that it will grow to include both other laser companies and also other companies. THere is some excellent material presented on the role of Glass Ionomer in dentistry (its vastly underused in N.America) and also on Caries Risk Assessment (CaMBRA).
I got a chance to have a laugh or two on Friday as the Hydrokinetics grooved the night away……I was so thirsty (must have been those atomized water particles!!)…….
THe band is now called the HydroPhotonics and they are fun with at times up to a dozen on stage. Bill Brown , Mark Colonna and others obviously have played alot when they were younger.
Finally, I got a chance to mend fences with some like my local biolase rep, get a chance to yak with many very knowledgeable people and learn a thing or two.
Now its a week of vacation, and Bob and Del, thanks for the friendship, and the laughs!!
Did you delete the pictures on your phone too??? What evidence based research that night! It was SO good to meet you and Del at the WCMID. Thanks for the friendship, I will value it always…Glenn, hmm, now that you are on “vacation” with the kids, getting much sleep? Seriously though, Glenn was such a help, as he did a microscope course, and spent alot of time on the floor helping others with the microscopes. What a giving and wonderful man. Now for the Hydrowhatevers….we had a great time too. Just remember, for Kimmel’s sake, that I gave Bob the 95mw laser pointer to point at the Navy Seals base, and we survived. Whew…what a party. Thanks to everyone who was there, it was a blast, and the friendships are forever…now THAT’S what life is all about…..Mark
Robert Gregg DDSSpectatorDittos Mark and Glenn,
Great time with great people!
Phone photos? Of Glenn? Did I forget those? Deletions? Oh NOooooo!
I’ve got to deeeleeete, so slooooow…..Were they forwarded already? Too late?
Just catching your post… Great thoughts and well said.. Looking forward to catching up with you some time…Glenn at a Biolase sponsored meeting?
Never under estimate the power of friendship!!!!!
BenchwmerSpectatorFifty something male has hemangioma on lip.
Treatment will consist of draining the lesion and destroying the Venus Lake. This will allow for resorption and healing with a minimally invasive treatment.
PerioLase MVP-7 used, 3.6W 20Hz 100usec w/ 360micron fiber.
A couple drops of 4% Citanest was infiltrated.
The lesion was incised using this parameter, drainage occured, the lining of the lesion was re-entered to destroy the interior wall of the Venus Lake to prevent reoccurance. Lase time less than one minute.
Immediate post-lase.No post-tx complications.
Photo at 2 weeks post-lase.I’ve seen other cases (ESOLA journal from Europe) presented using CO2 where the whole lip is disected, alot of char. months of healing. I’ve only used this technique a half dozen times over the last 3 years, but with no re-occurence. I’ve seen Dr. Rice’s cases in ALD journal using a similar technique w/ a diode.
What’s everyone doing?The Plastic surgeons want big $$ in my area for a scalpel excision, with no guarantee of re-occurance. It’s nice to have a 10 minute procedure to offer patients as an alternative.
SwpmnSpectatorBeautiful result and excellent service to your patient.
Is the tip of the fiber initiated for the procedure or can this type of treatment be carried out with a bare, freshly-cleaved tip?
SwpmnSpectatorAnyone had success using a pulsed Nd:YAG, e.g. PerioLase MVP-7, for tissue analgesia prior to injection of chemical anesthetic?
If so could you describe the technique and parameters?
What is the estimated success rate?
How well does it work as “topical laser analgesia” for the inferior alveolar nerve block?
Robert Gregg DDSSpectatorHi Allen,
Interesting that you ask!
Yes, there is good increase (50%?) topical effect when topical is placed then lased for 1 minute or two to allow for increased/accelerated/profound penetration into the tissues, especially on the palate.
3.0 Watts, 20 Hz, defocused, short PD.
Hasn’t been as needed now with Dr K liquid, Oraquix and Tac Gel available, but it would still increase penetration/absorption.
What made you think of this?
I didn’t initiate the fiber. I didn’t need a hot tip effect for quick penetration of this type of lesion.
I cleave the fiber, test fire on a power meter, recleave if needed to achieve my desired setting and then proceed.
This PerioLase MVP-7 has the abilty to go to 100Hz with at a lower wattage and narrow pulse width (they call it a diode type setting), if you need a hot tip for fibrous tissue ablation(ie. thick frenums, GVs on smokers, etc.)
Here I’m trying to keep collateral tissue damage at a complete minumum. This case healed faster than my early attempts, less laser is sometimes better.
Thanks for your help. The topic was brought up before in one of our older discussions.
I’m working on a transition project for my practice. Doing some brainstorming and long term “positioning” for the next two years.
Robert Gregg DDSSpectatorJeff,
Very nice use and result!
RobertFHawkeSpectatorBe sure to include the fact that the specimen was removed with a laser and the type of laser and settings if you intend to biopsy the specimen. It will help the pathologist.
Hawkeye in Tucson
BenchwmerSpectatorThis lesion was removed with the pulsed Nd:YAG, great hemostatis, no tissue was left to send out for biopsy.
Since my diagnosis was an irritation fibroma, I wasn’t that concerned with this sample.
When I want a sample to send out I use the Erbium with water. Less collateral tissue damage.
etienneSpectatorHi All
I was approached by an out of town patient regarding laser perio treatment. I have only received x-rays of the patient (not good quality) and have not seen the patient yet. She is apparently concerned about teeth #8 and #35. Any thoughts out there? It was recommended by another dentist to have the teeth taken out. The lack of “scaffold” around #8 concerns me..
Thanks very much for any input
Etienne(Edited by etienne at 4:09 am on Sep. 2, 2005)
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(Edited by etienne at 6:27 am on Sep. 2, 2005)