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  • in reply to: Power of the government #8981


    You have to move?

    in reply to: fistula #10015


    Hey Ron,
    Great result. I use the technique fairly regularly. Did one yesterday with the PerioLase on a 4 year old case, well done by an Endodontist.
    Happy patient and happy Endodontist.

    in reply to: Power of the government #8979

    Community User

    Yes, barring an unexpected successful appeal by the county to revert back to just air rights. Soon as the court cases and appeals are done we’ll get our ‘price’ and have 60 days, then the bulldozers come.

    in reply to: Power of the government #8978

    Community User

    #Moderation Mode

    Moved here

    in reply to: Tongue tie #9828

    Lee Allen


    Great information. I assume that you are recommending 15% air and water. Water being the important factor. Without it the “heat” is noticed.

    I have been focused on water setting lately, and wonder on another subject, why we expect the water to travel the distance below tissue level to the tip when doing endo or in “zapping” a fistula. The water amount has to be too low at best and probably non existent the majority of the time at 20 Hz. A case where we are using the Erbium for effect like a NdYag. [Big picture, Bob, I know there are different absorbtions.]

    Having only tried the DRK liq on myself under the tongue, it does not seem possible that one can grab the frenum and fire up the Erb. What is your take on its effectiveness?

    Thanks for getting back to me on the tips and settings right away.

    in reply to: General Nd:YAG Forum #2711


    Al, I’ve asked Brain to drop in and explain the program..

    in reply to: Treatment of Failing RCT #10857



    Ever get any follow-up info on this case?

    in reply to: Power of the government #8980


    I went through something very similiar 5 years ago. Suffice it to say, I know what you are going thru, all the grief and aggravation. I do feel for you and your family.
    But I do have faith that all will eventually turn out well for you as it did for me. It may take a while to blot this period from your memory, but you will. Just remember, and I am speaking from experience, It’s only money!
    If you want to talk, sometimes it helps, email me.


    in reply to: Tongue tie #9814


    Hi Lee,
    I like your air/water settings. SHould work good. Believe it or not, the capillary action of the water moving into a root canal space with the Z-2 fiber is amazing. That is why we came up with the 34/24 air/water ratio’s a few years back. Dr. Chen showed this utilizing a perioscope I believe.

    On DrK Formula, it works real well, almost too well, but I do leave it on for about 4-5 minutes before I start. Sometimes I use a bit of EMLA cream with it to keep it on the tissues. Let me know how it goes!

    All the best,

    in reply to: Treatment of Failing RCT #10848


    After two years, the tooth is still in the mouth. It has never healed completely (maybe due to the tramatic occlusion) It has been re-evaluated at 3 month recalls, a sinus tract has sometimes reappeared, however much smaller and localized than the start. I have repeated the laser therapy and used antibiotic therapy, it clears up. I’ll see where we are at next month.

    in reply to: Lasers for extractions #11026

    Glenn van As

    Hi there, I have not been around lately ( soo busy), but I always use the 400 micron Hoya Con Bio tip for the Delight/Versawave.

    There are 6 steps of mag onthe G6 and I break them up into 3 groups in my head.

    The settings are usually

    2.1 , 3.2 X mag (LOW MAG)
    5, 8X mag (medium mag)
    12,19X mag (high mag).

    Now in the beginning 8 years ago I couldnt get passed the 2.5 and 4 X mag on my global protege plus 6 step scope but I am now spending most time at 8-12X mag.

    Hubert, I will be there if I can remember when it is. Let me know if you get this.


    in reply to: Premolar and molar protocol: Fluency vs. Average Power #6087

    Glenn van As

    The microscope helps so much in lower the power settings. I would love to take a survey and get peoples average power settings for different procedures and different tissues and correlate them to loupes.

    The SLOP factor which stands for (Super Loss Of Perception) occurs when you dont have enough mag (or any at all) to account for the interplay between tip of the erbium lasers and the tissue. I was pleased to see in the ALD notes that attendees were encouraged to bring their loupes.

    We are getting there…………



    in reply to: Billing Med Ins for procedures #5483


    While I appreciate being recognized for my brain, most people call me Brian. Thanks, Dave.

    IPS is a medical billing service for dental applications that fall under medical neccessity. Great service. Especially for Nd:YAG users. The complete osseous surgery is covered. There’s also a “Laser tray setup fee” that can be charged. Great for “Fee for service” practices as well as insurance dependent practices.

    A few of the precedures that are covered regularly are
    1. Full mouth debridement
    2. Apicoectomy
    3. Frentectomy
    4. DSRP
    5. Comprehensive oral eval
    6. Osseous surgery

    This type of tool allows the clinical provider to offer so much more without being dependent up on the &#361000-&#361500 dental benefits. It also provides the patient without dental benefits to receive much needed treatment.

    Contact me directly if you would like further information on this service. -bj

    in reply to: Parathesia Reversal #5899


    with the passage of time I’ve treated two patients… similar situations relating to mental nerve injuries… similar areas of disesthesia… similar number of visits… intra-oral and extraoral treatment… areas well warmed… 10,000 joules/visit… treated about 6 times each at 3 week intervals. The result is improvement, but far from complete recovery. Am I likely to get dramatically greater improvement with a single burst of f visits over the course of a week?

    in reply to: Premolar and molar protocol: Fluency vs. Average Power #6086

    Quote: from JanetCentury on 7:30 pm on Mar. 8, 2006
    Thank you all for the 10 Hz advice.  Been doing much better on the posterior teeth.  Also helps that I have been insisting on setting them up in the room with the microscope.  I find I can better anticipate when they will start to feel it and turn the power down ahead of time.

    Thanks again!

    Glad to hear it, Janet. It has really been working well for me, too; sort of standing up to the test of time, as it were.


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