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dkimmelSpectatorYep I would buy all 3 of my ER lasers again. Heck I would like to get a fourth. However Susan would lets say not be happy. I have learned so much form each one. As far as Cancun vs the diode. You have the Periolase so you don’t need a diode. My diode is the least used of my lasers….As far as Cancun…Unless you just want to go , I would ask form a discount or more tips. Yep the more I think of it ask for the difference in tips!!! Oh, Better yet an advance course that I hear is soon to be taught!!
Bob HuskeySpectatortest
N8RVSpectatorDitto what’s been said.
I bought the Hoya a few years ago and also bought their DiodDent diode laser. It sits in the corner collecting dust now. I have no need for it with the PerioLase in the office.
Community UserSpectatorJeff, here’s one you inspired me to do !
Pt” target=”_blank”>….27Pt visited endodontist who diagnosed vertical fracture on 13 and recommended ext.
[img][/img]We decided to place gp point and low and behold-
Decided to try lasing-
GP was 12mm. Lased at 10mm and withdrew as laser was fired.
150 us, 160mj, 20hz 142J550us,180mj,20 hz, 50j
Immediate postop-
1 year follow up-
Thanks for sharing your original case as I have a very happy patient.
dmd92eastSpectatorThanks everybody!!!!!!!!!
Nick LuizziSpectatorIs there a simple way to reduce pixel size without going to photoshop or another program?
Nick LuizziSpectatorHerb:
I wonder if you would be willing to comment on an issue that I came across last year. It has to do with the use of low level lasers placed at accupuncture locations, thrumb and forefinger, wrist, which correspond to the mouth/teeth pain receptors. The LLL treatment is used as a pre-cursor to using the Erbium laser on pediatric patients without chemical anastesia. And this was reportedly with a very high success rate.
Also, what correlation do you feel exists between low level laser energy and the Qi (chi or life energy that asian medicine utilizes)?
Nick Luizzi
Andrew SatlinSpectatorRon,
Aweome case!!! Really unbelievable. Did you consider retx the endo in addition?
You should post this on the periolase section too!Andy
Community UserSpectatorThanks, Andy. The patient is a Ford employee who needs lots of things done and for the last year has just been buying time with her dental work due to likely being one of many permanently layed off. If things
change for her $ wise we will look at the endo again but if it stays stable …..???Would you go ahead and retreat?
Andrew SatlinSpectatorRon,
You know I am no authority on endo tx. My last one was in 1992. But, the xray angle makes it look a bit short. I would worry that it might be a source for reinfection.
See ya
Community UserSpectatorWell, my last one was about 1996 so if it gets redone it won’t be by me
Andy,If you look at the image w/ the gp it is a much better angle and doesn’t look too bad.
Glenn van AsSpectatorAwesome cool case Ron. Wow.
I think that there is a 2nd canal or 2nd root in this one. The one is filled short but it surprises me on the healing.
If it was me I would wait and see if it stays asymptomatic and lesion free radiographically.
Wow, what a great case.
Glenn van AsSpectatorI think that with the periolase you dont need a diode.
Take the Cancun trip or take credit towards CE as you will need training for the laser (like the Periolase which has unrivalled training in my estimation)
Hope that helps
Community UserSpectatorQUOTEQuote: from Glenn van As on 9:15 pm on Sep. 11, 2006I think that there is a 2nd canal or 2nd root in this one.
GlennGlenn, I think you may be right. Just thinking out loud here but looking at the 2 xrays, I’m thinking the 2nd is taken more from the mesial (B roots on the molar seem to have moved more distally) and more of a concavity is seen on the distal. So… maybe a palatal canal was treated originally on the Bi and when I went in with the laser I zapped the bugs left behind around the buccal canal ( and with ndyag penetration possibly in?). This will just have to remain speculation for now as I don’t think my patient would let me extract it or cut into the bridge at this point to prove it.
dmd92eastSpectatorMy thougts are put the diode in another op for restorative needs rather than keep schlepping the periolase from room to room. Or let the hygienists use it for stm?