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  • in reply to: Anterior #12133

    Glenn van As

    Thanks David…….I thought the color profile looked familiar on the pics (I have a d1 as well)

    By the way shooting for me is a breeze through the scope so it doesnt take me any longer to do the cases.

    For Mark, you Rons, Bob it all takes time because you have to get the camera ready all the time.

    Nice case and well done……thanks for the tips on materials.


    in reply to: Pulpotomy without anesthetic #11414

    Glenn van As

    Hi Ron………..great question. My question is why use anything?

    CaOh is contraindicated in children from everything I have read.

    Formacresol was used for clotting and for sterilization but is it needed with the laser.

    IRM was used for the eugenol .

    I dont like it with comps but that is arguable.

    I just wanted something that would set without etch hence the GI

    Then I placed the comp overtop.

    LEts see what happens.

    Kid wasnt very easy………


    in reply to: Mark knows a thing or two #7169

    Glenn van As

    Thanks David but believe me the comp was pretty average compared to yours.

    Still not happy with the materials. I did like Point 4 flowable that I used recently which was opaque.

    Thanks again.


    in reply to: Anterior #12134

    Robert Gregg DDS


    2.Often wonder if my Watts and others are really the same form laser to laser!

    No. They are not the same. Power must be measured at the fiber tip. The console display is meaningless. AND you must know your device’s pulse duration.

    Waterlase PD = 140 usec
    Delight PD = 240 usec

    Get Jeff Manni’s book (see reference section) and a Molectron Power meter ( to understand and to know, respectively what’s going on power wise.


    in reply to: Osseous recontouring on premolar #6440

    Glenn van As

    Hi folks: here is the insertion of the crown preparation that I did two weeks ago for this case.

    I removed the temp and the patient said that the margin was rough to her tongue but the rest was fine.

    Note the healing of the tissue ( in no manner complete, but pretty nice consdering what it looked like April 1st)

    I can often adjust the interproximal contacts on porcelain crowns from where the wax floss leaves a residue as visualized at high mag (see photo #5 in the collage)

    The fit was nice (the bite a little off ) but otherwise a nice fit and remember all the prep and osseous was done in one visit.

    I like the way the healing looked on the tissue after troughing and the erbium.

    2 Weeks healing.



    Resize of Crown Insert.jpg

    in reply to: Pulpotomy without anesthetic #11412


    Hi Glenn & Ron,

    In direct pulp cap, as long as pulp is not bleedy, I have been using bleach to decontaminate, then acid etch except over exposed pulpal tissue, and dentin adhesive bonding agent, followed by fluoride flowable resin and closing over with composite or other restorative lmaterials. Advise patient of possible endo. Most of the time, the results are favorable.


    in reply to: Osseous recontouring on premolar #6438


    Hi Glenn,

    #14 is next?

    Looks great.


    in reply to: Pulpotomy without anesthetic #11415

    Glenn van As

    That is fine in the adults Andrew, but the laser sterilizes in a similar fashion to bleach so alot of those using a laser will choose to use that to sterilize the pulp.

    This one wasnt bleeding after the astringident and Argon



    in reply to: Osseous recontouring on premolar #6443

    Glenn van As

    Hi Andrew: thanks………I would have done the first premolar at the same time but her jaw is very very bad. She is having a heck of a time from just me doing one.

    Hope that helps……


    SHe has arthritis throughout her body.


    in reply to: Hydrokinetics Article #7295


    OT – laser kinetics for one hell of a ride

    Laser Accelerated Plasma For Space Propulsion

    Terry Kammash
    Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
    The University of Michigan
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109

    Recently conducted experiments at the University of Michigan and elsewhere have shown that ultra short pulse [ultra fast] lasers could accelerate charged particles to relativistic speeds. For example a picosecond laser pulse with only one joule of energy can accelerate an electron to MeV energy in just a few microns distance. This takes place through the high gradient potential that manifests itself in an electric field of a gigavolt per cm which in turn accelerates the electron to a megavolt energy over a distance of 10 microns. Current achievable laser peak power of about 10e15 Watts has been utilized in the study of relativistic non-linear optics in plasmas, and it is expected that laser power values will be reached in the near future that will accelerate protons to energies equal to their rest mass energy. That readily means that when such particles are ejected from a system at 0.866 the speed of light they will produce a specific impulse of 26 million seconds. Current experiments have also demonstrated that a beam of MeV protons containing more than 10e10 particles has been accelerated by an electric field of 10 GeV/cm corresponding to a laser power of about 100 TW. On the basis of these accomplishments it is reasonable to project with little risk that with modest modifications of present day systems including rep rates of 10-1000, accelerating 10e18 protons to 100 MeV energy will be quite achievable. If utilized as a propulsion device such a system will produce about 0.22 Kilonewtons of thrust at a specific impulse of about 13 million seconds. This will require a 15 KJ laser at a femtosecond pulse length which when incorporated in a propulsion system such a vehicle will have a dry mass of about 3.6 mT based on previous laser-fusion propulsion system design. When utilized in a constant thrust,acceleration/deceleration type of mission trajectory it is shown that a round trip to Mars will take about 53 days, and a fly-by mission to the Oort cloud at 10,000 AU about 7.5 years.

    in reply to: Mark knows a thing or two #7171

    Mike Meon


    Just want to say hello, and tell you how much I have enjoyed this forum. I have had my waterlase about a year and just found all you smart guys. You all have taught me alot.

    I have one question, I have tried the defocus mode as you explain on the occlusal, buccal and lingual. I never feel that it makes any difference. Most of my patients feel very little, but I would love to do better. I am from Alabama so it takes us a little longer to get it. Any help would be appreciated.

    Keep up the good work, I love it


    in reply to: Pulpotomy without anesthetic #11408


    Have you been folowing this one?{6F955206-28AA-46A6-BF85-FA55B8B7FD0E}&pageNo=1

    Its what sparked my curiosity about what you may have placed .

    in reply to: New Member Welcome #9338

    Robert Gregg

    Just cuz I happened to notice (and I spoke with Geoff earlier) I want to extend a heartfelt welcome to two new members–Goeff Jones from Rhode Island and Dennis Thornley of Michigan.  Welcome guys!

    in reply to: Mark knows a thing or two #7167


    You guys are too much! I am not brilliant, I just try things! You all have taken things to another level and have taught me so much as well!! Amazing. Remember Mike, keep the tip at about 10 mm from the surface of the tooth. I use 5.5 W 80-90%air, and 50-60%water for 90 seconds, and I mean 90 seconds, I time every one of them. Remember too, that the thinnest area of enamel to get penetration of the laser energy is in the occlusal groove, when doing an occlusal. MOVE THE LASER VERY SLOWLY on this area, to get the tooth BATHED in the laser energized water. SLOW is the main word. Let the laser work. Then remember too, you DON”T always have to ablate tissue in a focussed mode. You can get ablation as far away as 6mm with a G-4 tip, at 5.5W. I do most of my procedures with defocessed modes. Only when I am down to 1.5-2W do I go into focussed mode to remove stubborn decay, then I go to my microspoon excavators for final decay removal.

    Funny thing, I had a new Biolase rep in today to watch me work, he was amazed, it was fun showing him some incredible things we can do with the laser. I did a real large class III on #23, deep near the pulp, and down the root surface, patient was EXTREMELY phobic, came to us because of the laser. He felt absolutely NOTHING. AND to top it off, the difficult filling came out great, and because of the microspoons, I feel pretty strong, that no endo will be needed. Very nice feeling I must say. I have never had better control of my dentistry than I have now with my laser, and the microspoons. Sorry no pictures today, it was a teaching day, no time. GLENN I WILL GET A SCOPE SOON! I envy you. By the way, I will be doing a lecture in Vancouver on May 23, pretty sure. I will let you know. We have to get in touch.
    Thanks again, you make me turn red with the accolades!

    in reply to: Pulpotomy without anesthetic #11411


    Interesting thread Ron, thanks.

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