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lagunabbSpectatorHi Glenn, Looks like I am probably the only one around interested in reading the ESOLA article, the whole article. My fax number is 413 235 3754. Best.
Robert GreggParticipantRay–
QUOTELooks like I am probably the only one around interested in reading the ESOLA article, the whole article.Excuuuuuuze me!
I want the whole low-down too!
Fax: 562-860-1799.
I would like to read the ESOLA research on hydrokinetics. Please post the abstract/summary or send to me via e-mail.
AnonymousKeymaster1 more?
the link below leads to more info on that journal. Worth subscribing Glenn????
Glenn van AsSpectatorOk Here is the scoop………I dont have tremendous time to go and put the article into PDF format and then post it via the net.
I have a hard copy and will mail it to the four of you and then I will depend on the rest of you to put it in PDF format.
I will send it out by mail tomorrow.
Thanks for your interest………its and interesting read.
As for the journal I liked the issue I got a while back but didnt subscribe because I am so darn busy.
Gonna post some cases for you all.
Glenn van AsSpectatorHi Ron………I dont know how he determined it but my guess from talking to him was that he used magnfication and the diagnodent and went until it wasnt soft to the slowspeed.
The reading was usually around 7 to 10 then at that point.
With the higher mags you can see the texture of the dentin and you are usually right but sometimes I get caught in mushy stuff where the decay under constant water from the laser gets the same color as dentin and its hard to visually see until you dry it off and then you can see the texture isnt smooth on the dentin but leathery and you know its still decayed.
Glenn van AsSpectatorHI folks: We had a cancellation today and my great dental assistant asked me to take out her lower right third molar (around 4:30 pm tonight) and so I decided to try it without anesthetic and told her to hold on tight.
Look at the result………what do you think?
Glenn van AsSpectatorOk Ok I will come clean……….
I put anesthetic in for her but loved that flat wedge shaped tip for removing the distal operculum and allowing me to lift the soft tissue impacted tooth.
No bleeding……….cool I thought.
3.6 watts (30 Hz and 120 mj) and it was fast. Once I reflected the distal I was able to eleveate the tooth out quickly (made me look good to the nice staff that I have) and look at the decay at the end on the occlusal .
It was 5 mm deep at one point and 62 on the diagnodent scale.
Hope you liked it.
AnonymousKeymasterI like it much better now that admitted that you used anesthetic. I was starting to get really worried about your assistant.:shocked:
Nice case ,Glenn
Glenn van AsSpectatorHi Ron……..while we are on the topic of microdentistry.
Here is an occlusal that I did with a bur (Premier is asking me to do some stuff for them) and I used a 1/4 round bur for this (diamond coated) and look at the decalcification around the fissure sealant. Once I got the sealant up the decay was into dentin. I could have used the laser but this patient is very very nervous about the laser and pain, so I used the traditional means.
Hope you like it, and its just intended to make you ask the question………..DO SEALANTS SEAL ?
whitertthSpectatorme 2 me 2 please…… 516 371 1798 is the fax…thnx alot in adavance
whitertthSpectatorgreat stuff glenn!!!! I love your posts.
Glenn van AsSpectatorAw shucks Ron ….thanks.
ROn, as an aside , I enjoy putting the pics together and with the scope it is so easy to take the pics while I am working not like for the rest of you , who must remain diligent and constantly stop to take the pics.
Today is a day for now laser posts and so I thought I would leave you a few just to show the power of the scope.
I want to tell you Ron that putting these cases together in the beginning was tough. I took alot of criticism but it made me a better dentist, photographer and lecturer and I really have fun putting the pics out and really it doesnt take me more than 15 mins per case or so.
I hope that more newbies will post cases , ask questions and provide stuff as I know that many are doing some really fun and unique stuff out there.
This forum is a small but very friendly group, intent on learning and acting in a professional and personable manner and I think that is awesome.
Hope you like this one………it was a vertically fractured tooth and I got it out piece by piece…….but look how the scope allowed me not only to visualize the fragment but in addition to trough with a very tiny diamond bur around the root, allowing me to remove the root tip without even flapping the case. I think that is awesome and hopefully with time more people will realize the power of extreme magnification for cases like this.
lagunabbSpectatorGlenn, I will gladly scan it into pdf format and post it on a web site for all if you just want to send one copy.
ray tang
p o box 9019
laguna beach, ca 92652-7019
Glenn van AsSpectatorI think that would be wonderful Ray……..could you do that for me.
PS is this a copyright infringement if we do that (Esola wont be mad?)