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  • in reply to: Decreasing root sensitivity #7432

    Quote: from 2thlaser on 8:22 pm on Feb. 14, 2003
    Hey Ron, How do I get more “red dots” and become a full memeber! I notice people are passing me up!

    Mark, the dots are preset according to the amount of posts and change automatically. You’ll hit full member at 150.
    Guess you’ll just have to start taking your posting duties a little more seriously;)

    in reply to: Osseous Recontouring Case #6869

    Glenn van As

    Hi Pat: here is a first for me………ONE DAY HEALING.

    I was shocked, not by the healing but by the tissue height………

    Its swelling I guess but who knows.

    Patient had “ZERO” pain and was happy to come in today.

    I will see him Tuesday again to check it out.


    Resize of 1 day healing on tissue.jpg

    in reply to: Hard Tissue Procedures #3533

    Nuno Ferreira

    Hello, yesterday went to my office a patient with hipersensibility in 4.7 since the bridge was placed, she only went to my office because the bridge was released from the teeth and the gum start to bleading and hipersensibility start to be painfull…She hate needls.
    I start rot with waterlase using turttle protocol (Dr. Chen), when i reach pulp chamber placed some topic about 60 seg.
    She love it, and ask my assistents where we was all this years….




    (Edited by Nuno Ferreira at 7:16 am on Feb. 15, 2003)

    in reply to: Decreasing root sensitivity #7441


    Ok, 14 more to go!
    Thanks Ron!

    in reply to: ROT with waterlase #12175

    Glenn van As

    Hi Nuno: Nice pics……….couple of questions

    I gather you started a root canal right?

    Do you use rubber dam, are you using Nickel titanium instruments to shape the canals or the laser?

    Nice access and lets discuss endo with the laser more on this thread. Nice stuff.


    in reply to: General Erbium Discussion #2840

    Glenn van As

    Hi folks: Mark Colonna emailed me to suggest that due to a variety of reasons only found with Biolase machines that he doesnt suggest polishing the tips if they start to break down. I dont have the Millenium so if this is true , you might want to make sure that you dont follow my advice.

    For those of you that have the Delight laser then you CAN do this.


    in reply to: Waterlase – pain during preps #12071


    Great posts everyone. This moves us along. I have prepared meany teeth without anesthesia and have suspected these same teeth are treated equally well with the laser. that said it is clear these same patients prefer the laser and the round bur run slowly at high torque. Bob your experience is key to defining these issues for new users.

    I do not believe the companies really know as well as we do what is happening at the end of the tip and I believe they will go to school on the pioneer work of this site. I know my rep follows this board and will be inclined to be more accurate in selling new prospects. What a trip to be there at the beginning and it does seem to have been a long beginning. I looks like we are at critical mass and great things are ahead.

    Al do your patients prefer treatment using the laser as part of your present process better than your previous way? Maybe we need to redefine success in laser use.
    I know for me I am a better dentist due to magnification and the laser and I am delivering a better service/product to my patients. This is what my patients are telling me.

    in reply to: Waterlase – pain during preps #12074

    Robert Gregg

    Hi Pat,

    Thanks for the kind words.  You too, Al.

    I think Pat really hit the nail on the head about redefining what clinical success is for our patients!!!

    Laser dentistry isn’t about getting to the end result so much as it is about the process–the journey–in getting to the end result as well as an excellent clinical end result.  

    And I think most of us agree on this forum that the process is as important to the patient as well as the end result.

    Let me tell you what……the process was VERY important to me when my orthopedic surgeon was yanking a 12 inch SS “pull-out” wire (clothe hanger) from my heal, through my Achilles tendon, and out mid-calf.  I didn’t care how good the end result was going to be at THAT moment in time!!!!!  Thank God for Xylocaine and good surgical technique.

    But when I hear a non-laser clinician say, “Pain is just a question of patient perception.”  “I can cut and sew those gums with a &#361.50 scalpel blade, make access holes in the bone with a SS bur, and make better, cleaner cuts that with your lasers.”

    B _ _ _ S _ _ _!!

    It’s not that they don’t GET it, it’s that they just don’t WANT to get it!

    Good perspective Pat, really.


    (Let go….use the force Luke):)

    in reply to: Decreasing root sensitivity #7461

    Robert Gregg

    Ron, I say, give it to him.

    Marks post quality makes up for any short-fall in quantity.

    Just my vote of confidence in Mark. A good man, good laser teacher, innovator, designer…..washes behind his ears……..


    in reply to: Continuing Education #3040


    First I want to thank you guys. Came across this site from DT. I have learned more in the last couple hours lurking then I would have thought possible.
    I will be getting a Waterlase and a Lasersmile in a couple weeks. So I really have no clue how to use these things!!
    Looking for some names of people to train with.
    Also I am in Fl is the ALD in Destin a worth while trip??

    in reply to: Waterlase – pain during preps #12065


    Absolutely Right on Bob, RIght on! I couldn’t agree with you more. I also agree on the training aspect. My heart and soul is in teaching and training, especially those new to laser dentistry. I know what it took for ME to get to the place I am now, and am still learning. I just don’t want those who are starting out to get discouraged, so, that being said, I offer myself to train and lecture and teach. That is my mission, period. I want us all to enjoy our profession, to help patients, and to make us deliver the BEST quality of dentistry we can, and lasers, I believe, help us get there. What a great tool. Thanks for letting me put my input in here. I just hope I don’t offend anyone in the process. We MUST work together to further laser dentistry. That is where I am at.

    in reply to: Waterlase – pain during preps #12069

    Glenn van As

    I think its great that people like Bob and Mark are there to help educate the masses. It astonishes me to see people spending 50K on lasers and then ask …….”How do I learn to use this”

    There is a wealth of material on this board since September. Many people lurk but there is incredible information for the new user here. They could honestly go back through all the posts on the Erbium Hard tissue sections and discover a wealth of insight into how to make their machine work.

    I think that Ron Schalter is a testament to how much you can learn here. Pat , Al and Ron Kaminer are others who have learnt a ton.

    I think that those teaching should make every effort to get accredited in teaching lasers with Standard and Advanced Proficiencies and if possible the Educators status from the ALD.

    I think that these credentials are really the only ones available that guarantee that the educator knows his/her stuff.

    In closing I have repeatedly mentioned that this board is a daily source of information , comraderie and education for me. I hope that as it grows (now its over 100 people) that other sections besides Erbium will start to take off and that members will continue to respect the opinions , ideas and treatments of others regardless of machine or wavelength!!


    in reply to: Decreasing root sensitivity #7445

    Glenn van As

    Lets see his finger nails……..are they clean? Any ear wax? Nose hairs?……….

    My opinion is to make him really sweat, make the new mark 200 for full membership. When he gets close , make it 300………..hehehe

    Just kidding. ALl good things come in time.


    Glenn (a fully advanced member even if I posted alot of garbage!!)



    in reply to: Where to start #8314

    Glenn van As

    Hi there Dr. Kimmel. Congrats on the new laser purchases. Make sure you go into this with your eyes open as to what lasers can do. They are not panaceas for all. I think they are great adjucnts for handpieces and traditional mechanisms of doing dentistry.

    If you want some fun………go back to this post by our fearless leader Ron Schalter, a man whom I have the utmost of respect for because he has trained himself through a standard course from the ALD and in addition from reading through information here.

    I really like the ALD but to say that you will learn alot about the Biolase is not really truthful. I think that you will need to learn about lasers from several areas.

    1. Sign up and go to the ALD in Destin. I usually go but cant this year due to prior commitments to lecture here in Vancouver.

    2. Go to the WCLI in New York which is really Biolase oriented.

    3. Read through all the posts here , and I mean that . There is a ton of information with alot of pics here.

    4. Get Jeff Mannis text book : Dental applications of Advanced Lasers.

    5. Get the October 2000 book on lasers from the Dental Clinics of North America which was totally dedicated to lasers.

    6. Sign up for a standard proficiency course in lasers from an accredited provider (heck see if Biolase has any of these courses in Erbium and in Diode)

    7. Get past issues of Wavelengths from the Academy of laser dentistry which shows clinical cases in different wavelengths, and learning about the different wavelengths will help you with the diode and your erbium.

    None of these individually will help you learn your laser inside out but all together they will definitely help you become more adept understanding laser science and laser physics which are the basic elements for understanding how your individual laser works and what settings to use and why.

    Is that clear as Mud?


    in reply to: Where to start #8320


    Welcome to the Board. I had a good experience with Dr. Chenn he is a conscientious and dedicated teacher. Your rep will know about his courses as well as other possible sources. The national meetings are also outstanding for information and discussion. I just returned from the Dana Point meeting and it was a great time for me ( user for 14 months).

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