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Glenn van AsSpectatorHi Allen………I noticed that myself that it was radiolucent on the final PA but was bound and determined to show it anyway for my mistake.
I have had cores come out in the past (usually when taking of the temp) but never with pins placed. Having said that I am still in the minority but slowly letting go as I try my laser in more and more spots with holes and troughs drilled into dentin as mechanical retention.
No problem with the constructive criticisms………..thats why I post these things. Remember for me it is easy to shoot photos through the scope. Takes no energy or time at all.
Glenn van AsSpectatorBob: please direct Dr. Fried to the Hydrokinetics article on the Erbium section. I think it would be wonderful to get him and Ray to discuss the merits of various erbium yag and ER YSGG wavelengths in respect to their modality of action.
I as an erbium yag user was quite intrigued by his article.
(stirring the pot which they wont let me do on DentalTown anymore – I cant even mention that forbidden term (HK).)
signed Glenn the s_it disturber.
Glenn van AsSpectatorI think this is awesome Ron………CLAP CLAP CLAP……….
outstanding stuff .
Welcome Dr. Fried. Its great to have laser scientists here because I know that some of the people here want to know how their laser works and not only which button is the on and off switch.
Tongue firmly held in right cheek.
“We typically use 2.5 Watts 10 Hz 250 mj/pulse at 100 usec, no H2O. What were Fried’s parameters?”
Your settings convert to 156 J/cm2 per pulse compared to Dr. Fried’s experiments at 70 J/cm2 and 150 J/cm2 (see his Figure 5) assuming you are using 400 um fiber.
Your comments suggest that you don’t believe that the results from the Ho:YAG is valid (at least based upon clinical observations) for Nd:YAG. If the damage is subsurface as shown by Dr. Fried, is there a way to tell or does one just wait and see if nothing nasty happened months later? Or maybe the damage (if does happen) heals given time?
(Edited by lagunabb at 8:15 am on Mar. 18, 2003)
2thlaserSpectatorHi Glenn,
Just got back from Europe, what a great trip, and experience. They are doing nice things with Erbium there. Nice case too. I too, like Al, stopped using pins a long time ago. I notice that the tooth seems to crack radially during placement. Do you see that with the scope? I am wondering. Nice service though. Lasers are great!
Glenn van AsSpectatorHi Mark…….I am off to Hinman. I too am considering removing pins and I do far less than I did before but the bond strength of the restorations to dentin is questionable even with lasers so…………
Anyways will post one or two cases before I go.
You getting the information you need from the companies for scopes. If you need any information from Global that you arent getting……..let me know.
Glenn van AsSpectatorHi folks here is a case I did yesterday that was compromised by finances.
I did the man a favour as he has lost his job and his wife and times are a little tough financially.
He had decay under the crown on the labial and what we did was put the laser 400 micron tip on and remove tissue at 20 Hz and 30 mj and no water with topical only.
I placed a silk cord in the tissue and that acts as a marker.
To clean out the decay, 30 Hz and 100 mj and water. No anesthetic needed as the tooth had endo.
NO ETCH ON THE PORCELAIN at all and the resin is point 4 opaque and I silanated the porcelain.
I am off to Hinman so wont be able to respond.
Glenn van AsSpectatorPS I have to do the central in a while ……..he wanted to do the worst out of the two teeth so I know that the other one will need doing soon.
newgenSpectatorHi all,
This is my 1st post here. I’ve had the Waterlase for about 4 months now, and have always had the problem of “red light seen at the tip, water sprays out, but no popping sound”. Technician came a couple times, gave a loaner handpiece, that lasted for a couple weeks, then had the same problem recur. Sad to say, but when the laser was delivered, nobody mentioned anything about how to care for the machine, and nothing was said about extended insurance when I was talking to them before purchasing it. Of course, I should’ve asked, but they should’ve said something as well. Please correct me if I misunderstand the posts in this thread, it’s recommended that I do 2 things to prevent this trunk fiber from failing. [1] do the water purge and [2] do not move the laser around too much. Is it absolutely contraindicated that the laser be transported in your car? Is that how things can break? I just looked through the end of the handpiece and indeed saw the black dot. Is that from the laser being re-directed at itself because it was aimed at a shiny surface (amalgam)? I know the laser can’t cut amalgam, so I never did that, but I just don’t know how my handpiece got that black dot. Thanks so much for any input! I’m not too happy about having this machine and not being able to use it much.Thanks again!
Robert GreggParticipantRon,
Thanks for the support!
There are two ways to think about “degranulation”. One is actually heating up the proteins to a point the granulation tissue “sticks” to the fiber and can be removed from the sulcus (aka sulcular debridement), and then “laser de-epithelializattion” (aka laser curettage) to remove the inner ulcerated and diseased lining of the perio pocket.
A link to Don Coluzzi is:
<a href="http://www.laser-dentistry.comSounds” target=”_blank”>
Sounds like you’re gonna get some god education. Give my regards to Stu, Don and Bob when you see them.
AnonymousKeymasterQUOTEQuote: from newgen on 2:09 pm on Mar. 19, 2003
Please correct me if I misunderstand the posts in this thread, it’s recommended that I do 2 things to prevent this trunk fiber from failing. [1] do the water purge and [2] do not move the laser around too much. Is it absolutely contraindicated that the laser be transported in your car?Is that how things can break?The water purge is very important as well as running air when changing tips. We only move our machine about 2 feet in the morning and end of the day. I think the concern isn’t so much about breaking with movement , but rather misalignment. We also unplug the unit from the wall at the end of the day.
After talking to Bryon Pope at the ALD meeting, we also start up the machine and leave it run 5-10 minutes each morning before using it. Seemed like a good idea since most other tempermental things are usuallly allowed to ‘warm up’.QUOTEI just looked through the end of the handpiece and indeed saw the black dot. Is that from the laser being re-directed at itself because it was aimed at a shiny surface (amalgam)? I know the laser can’t cut amalgam, so I never did that, but I just don’t know how my handpiece got that black dot.Watch out for metal from crowns, porcelain, certain old composites. Sectional matrices don’t seem to be a problem, right Al?
Kind of surprised the tech’s hadn’t changed the trunk fiber for you.
Anyone using APC Back UPS to condition their power supply and prevent immediate shutdowns during power outages or ‘brown outs’ ( like they do with a computer)?
Hope they get you up and running!
Robert GreggParticipantHi Ray,
I need to get you over here again to watch some clinical hard dentin and enamel lasing with a pulsed Nd:YAG, and then on some extracted teeth. We’ll look under light microscopy.
Subsurface? I don’t believe that’s how pulsed Nd:YAGs or pulsed anythings work. They are a surface phenomenon, with some acoustical and mechanical effects.
It’s never been a question of waiting for there to be an adverse clinical situation afterwards. It just doesn’t happen…ever.
Our fiber-optics are 320, not 400. So the power density is almost 50% greater with a 300.
newgenSpectatorThanks Ron!
“Watch out for metal from crowns, porcelain, certain old composites”
I was told that composites are OK to cut on. So now I’ll need to watch out for “certain old composites”? How do you personally differentiate between which composites to avoid and which is OK to cut? When I remove old composites, it’s always due to recurrent decay underneath, and the surface of the restoration is still pretty shiny.
2thlaserSpectatorIF while you are removing a composite you see a WHITE sparking occur, it’s not one you want to continue with. When the tip goes, you foul the mirror in your handpiece, then blow the trunkfiber, in that order. If you catch the tip just as it WHITE sparks, you probably won’t foul the mirror, just change the tip, and use another method to remove the old composite. Now saying that, I have had no problems yet removing ANY composites so far. But these are the things to watch out for. Hope this helps.
Thanks as it is much clearer with regards to sulcular debridement and laser curettage. Was that a slight slip with the drop of the O?
Your notes on perio tx were a great help. I to am starting to question my decision on buying the diode laser. Live and learn.
I am hoping I will learn alot next month. This has been a rather fustrating week. I really do not have a feel for using the laser on hard tissue. It is almost most like I am trying to use an air brush. I just don’t seem to get the Watts, air,water and hand motion down to make the preps look like I expect. Much to learn and so little time!
David -