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Glenn van AsSpectatorGreat question……….I am using a flowable ( a variety of them) in the base and then Tetric Ceram overtop.
I would like to start using more GI in the base to protect against recurrent decay.
Fuji is the one I hear people using.
Gotta fly of too work
whitertthSpectatorgreat post glenn….patient couldnt afford treatment so we only did the one that hurting of course……they r planned for the future…i got to tell u guys i love this board…. almost time for a meeting of our own say in the carribean? ………
whitertthSpectatori statred at the edge..kinda dug under grabbed it lightly with a tissure forceps and then peeled it away …thanks for the compliment….maybe a group trip to south america next time…..
March 26, 2003 at 5:01 pm in reply to: low level laser therapy for pulpitis and healing of oral sur #10676
Janet CenturySpectatorSorry for my late re-entry on the board – I’ve been out of town.
Bob – thanks for your explanation. I have to start trying this. Have you ever tried it for “pulpitis therapy.” I assume that would be to try to keep a reversible pulpitis from going irreversible. If it really helped it could be a mighty fine service.
2thlaserSpectatorNice stuff. Ok Glenn, now what did I do to deserve the name poster boy?
Geeze! I am very sick today with the flu, had to cancel all my patients, man, terrible.
For you guys wondering about those “close calls” to the pulp, that is precisely why I use the spoon excavators as much as I do. I find I rarely ever expose due to caries removal, and I have wonderfu control of the situation when I am that deep. Glenn, how do you like using the instruments so far? I really am wondering how they feel in your hands.
I have a few cases to post, and am very sorry I haven’t been online as of late. I just got back from Europe last week, and am headed for London next Thursday. Finally, no more trips planned for at least 2 months after this next one. Keep up the great work everyone.
As for the direct pulp cap thing, we were taught that as well, CaOH, etc…now, I just lase it, and like everyone else, GI works great, and I am doing less endo. As for the undercut enamel Glenn, I find, especially after asking Stu, and Kim Kutsch about it, that with today’s materials, the strength is there to conserve tooth structure, and honestly, I haven’t seen any “cracked” or broken enamel, or cusps. That being said, let’s see how this all works out 10 years from now.
Hope everyone is doing better than I am!
AnonymousKeymasterGI base(fuji)
Tertic Flow cervical margin of box and floor if no base
Tetric Ceram -posteriors
Bisco Aelite Flo Ant.
Total Etch
One Step
2thlaserSpectatorAgain, Glenn, nice service. This is a GREAT example of why a microscope is so essential when doing this type of case. I am not so sure that with 6x I could be so exacting with my laser. Clap, clap, clap as you would say to others. Thanks for teaching us as usual!
2thlaserSpectatorHi David. You just need to place the “cap” ends on each end of the handpiece, and autoclave it. There is no worry about “suckback” because of the way the handpiece is manufactured. Just make sure you really have the handpiece dry, very dry, before you place it on the trunkfiber assembly, any moisture in there, and poof, there goes your mirror. I have 4 handpieces, so they are always ready and dry, while the latest one is in the autoclave. Remember though, I don’t use a drill that often, my laser IS my “drill”, so that is why I have a contingent of handpieces, just my need.
2thlaserSpectatorHi David. You just need to place the “cap” ends on each end of the handpiece, and autoclave it. There is no worry about “suckback” because of the way the handpiece is manufactured. Just make sure you really have the handpiece dry, very dry, before you place it on the trunkfiber assembly, any moisture in there, and poof, there goes your mirror. I have 4 handpieces, so they are always ready and dry, while the latest one is in the autoclave. Remember though, I don’t use a drill that often, my laser IS my “drill”, so that is why I have a contingent of handpieces, just my need.
PatricioSpectatorMy 2 cents,
I never expose the pulp if I can avoid it. I remove all possible decay. Usually this means I peal the decay down to a more durable cap of tissue just over the pulp chamber at that point if the tooth has been free of symptoms of pulp damage I place a base and restore the tooth. Over many years this has been a reasonably successful treatment. If I were planning a crown I would probably recommend a root canal treatment instead. I feel this is conservative and cost effective for the patient with a high potential for long term success. Now of course I laser the residual dentin over the pulp to decontaminate and sterilize before the base.
Helping out in S.A. is unique and very special. Many things to see and do as well. Would love to see a group and could probably facilitate such if there was interest. Installing a laser at a dental school and providing training for staff and students would be one goal.Pat
March 27, 2003 at 12:30 am in reply to: low level laser therapy for pulpitis and healing of oral sur #10679
Robert GreggParticipantJanet,
No problem.
QUOTEHave you ever tried it for “pulpitis therapy.”Oh, yeah. Quite a bit. I won’t say weekly, but regularly……
Here’s the rule for biostim:
1. Anything inflammed.
2. Anything in pain.
3. Anything infected.Will be helped to one degree or another–often dramatically.
Please don’t ask me to be specific here in public, but when I say “anything”, I mean we have biostimed just about everything……..:o
OK, here’s one I’ll cop to: mosquito bites–amazing pain and itch relief.
Robert GreggParticipantHi Pat,
I agree with Ron.
I did a little trip to Honduras in 1990. Wow! What uncontrolled bleeding during extractions.
In fact I said to myself I would not go back unless I had a laser that could control that sort of severe bleeding. Now I do, but it is State-of-the-Art, and not cheap to give away.
However, MDT has a few extra lasers not in use. Maybe there’s a way to get one all spiffed up and up to spec, and get one down south somewhere???
Just thinking out loud……
dkimmelSpectatorThis is week #2 with the Waterlase and the Lasersmile. I have been ignoring the safteyglass issue with the Waterlase and just not using maginicfation with the Diode laser. Yesterday was a fairly full day with using both lasers. At the end of the day I had extreme eye fatique and a headache. My vision in my right eye was blurry. It was almost as if I had a sunburn. Sort of like when I am out on the water on a real sunny day and have forgotten my sunglasses.
Everything is clear this morning. Looks like I will need to decide quickly on what eyeprotection to use. I did find that the safetyglasses from Biolase will fit over the front of my DFV 2.5. I used this with no problems with the diode laser today. It may sound odd but I have to use my DFV 4.5 to even begin to see what I am doing with the Waterlase. The safetyglasses will not fit over the 4.5s but the DFV 4.5 will fit over the safteyglasses. So in the short term I have solved my problem. Not very fashionable but at least my sight is still clear .
dkimmelSpectatorThis is week #2 with the Waterlase and the Lasersmile. I have been ignoring the safteyglass issue with the Waterlase and just not using maginicfation with the Diode laser. Yesterday was a fairly full day with using both lasers. At the end of the day I had extreme eye fatique and a headache. My vision in my right eye was blurry. It was almost as if I had a sunburn. Sort of like when I am out on the water on a real sunny day and have forgotten my sunglasses.
Everything is clear this morning. Looks like I will need to decide quickly on what eyeprotection to use. I did find that the safetyglasses from Biolase will fit over the front of my DFV 2.5. I used this with no problems with the diode laser today. It may sound odd but I have to use my DFV 4.5 to even begin to see what I am doing with the Waterlase. The safetyglasses will not fit over the 4.5s but the DFV 4.5 will fit over the safteyglasses. So in the short term I have solved my problem. Not very fashionable but at least my sight is still clear . -