Forum Replies Created
Glenn van AsSpectatorJason: I totally agree with you. This board by nature brings out laser enthusiasts but the average GP sees this diode as a nice way to get into the market. SOmething to show how progressive he is. Wow …look at that list of FDA approved procedures…….why do I even need another laser!
I think that the market is ripe for diodes and this year with all of it coming out that is new (several are coming believe me) and the competition for a very small profit for the companies , it stands to be an interesting year.
jetsfanSpectatorI totally agree with Glenn. The intent was not to get MD unit owners to purchase one(except maybe David). This really cool looking diode is a way to get more laser free dentists interested in laser dentistry,(kinda like an entry level laser)without forking out ์,000-๛,000. Once they see how much fun laser dentistry can be, then they will go for the higher end machines.
dkimmelSpectatorOh, you guys are tooo serious… Of course your right. Lasers are a buzz word. You would have to be dead not to have heard about them. Heck even the big boys on the lecture circut have one( not that they really use them) . COST is what keeps dentist from buying a laser.Lets face it Er and ND:YAGS are big bucks in a dental practice budget!! Then you have to earn how to use it. Most dentist get 12 hours of CE a year. So you expect them to spend big bucks and have to get training?
? Tough sell.
Diodes can be the break through…Cost is far less. Training.. Well most won’t. So it is an easy way to become a laser dentist. Seems the key will be for laser companies to market hard , come in at a low price and sell a large volume of fast as possible before another company does the same…
JanetCenturySpectatorI am wrestling with this right now. We will be moving this year and this may be the right time. I’m trying to incorporate the laser and my name (Century) (only cuz Millennium is taken). Something like “New Century Laser Dentistry”.
But my current name is good in the community.
In any case, I’d still keep the phone listing for the old name too.
I too would like to hear other’s experiences.
jetsfanSpectatorThe other problem , as I see it, with using a “laser” name is that it pigeon holes you. If a person is looking for a general dentist will they think that you are not a general dentist who does general dentist things.
whitertthSpectatorThe diode is great looking and is small and pretty cool…should sell in the 11-12k range..In states where hygienists can use them it is a no brainer….Man I wish NY was one of those states….
AnonymousSpectatorQUOTEQuote: from jetsfan on 1:26 pm on Feb. 5, 2007
The other problem , as I see it, with using a “laser” name is that it pigeon holes you. If a person is looking for a general dentist will they think that you are not a general dentist who does general dentist things.Robert
Haven’t found this to be the case (changed name 4 years ago). Often it has brought us new patients because they assume lasers= latest knowledge on everything.
One potential drawback to name change may be when selling the practice as some potential buyers may assume they can not do what you do laser wise and thus not be able to produce the numbers you do.
On the plus side, it has the potential to get your patients oriented to the practice name rather than DR. ‘So and So’ which may also make the adjustment to a new doc easier.
czeqm8SpectatorLook at the amount of bone in the furcation from initial to now. It is worse. At this stage, I would extract.
whitertthSpectatormy office name is Smiles by Design…
Laser, Aesthetic and Comprehensive Dentistry for Adults and Children..
This is my office sign…gets the word out that I use lasers but I am not limiting myself either……
Use it if u like….
marc andre gagnonSpectatorI work with the sirolaser since 6 months
I use that laser as often than my biolitec 980nm
In canada it cost near ฟ,000
nice machine no heat problems
dkimmelSpectatorHas anyone ( like we don’t know) seen the Odyssey Naviator Ivoclars 810 nm diode laser?
dkimmelSpectatorAnyone seen the new Diodent Micro 980 nm diode..???
DinoDMDSpectatorFinally got a chance to take some photos of my pad.
Nothing fancy. Ops are only 9×10, but everything’s within arm reach away. 10×12 is a perfect size for an op IMO, but these seem to work just fine from an ergonomic standpoint. Amazing what will fit in a 9×10 if layed out properly.[img][/img]
[img][/img]The last picture is of a new op I just added for the “lefty” periodontist I share space with who just got his own PerioLase.
nickSpectatorHello Everyone:
I am new to the website and have been in practice ten years. I am just starting out with lasers and was wondering what is a good course to take?
Are you already own a laser? What type?
You need different types of classes one for liabilty issues another to learn the how to’s.
The end of March there are 2 meetings the same weekend March 28-March 31.
Dental Town Townie Meeting in Las Vegas, also there will be the Millennium Dental Technologies Clinician Meeting. See the list of speakers, mostly soft tissue-NdYAG clinicians. See meeting info on website.
Academy of Laser Dentistry, Nashville, TN, same times they have a Standard Proifiency Test the day before the meeting, then 3 days of speakers, workshops, etc. See their website.
Ask on the forum for more opinions. I’m speaking at the Dental Town Meeting on non-perio uses of the NDYAG.
Jeff -