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  • in reply to: Laser Supplies #3188


    What tips are all of u using on a regular basis… I only use the g-4 t-4 and perio and endo tips….What kind of stock do u keep in the office of each ?

    in reply to: website #8841


    Took a quick look yesterday when I was responding to this thread
    <a href="

    I” target=”_blank”>;.=30

    I think the site is nicely done and suggested everyone should get a look.

    The graphics,color and flash movies are very nice.

    Just a couple things to consider-
    1. load time- I have a very slow connection in my office(26.4)and it took about 80 seconds for the pages to totally load. You might want to clear your browser of temp files and cookies and check from a dial up. I know a 56k modem and connection will be quite a bit faster than here, but you might want your designer to preload the movies on the second page while the 1st loads to cut down on wait time. The average visitor will only wait 10-13 seconds for a page to load before moving on. This is important if you’re trying to attrack new patients.Not quite as important if you’re just trying to communicate with existing patients.

    2.meta tags and key words -these are in your source code. You’ll want to add misspellings of your names and also ny, New York, NY laser dentist, etc. Its then important to have these  keywords(minus the misspellings) appear on your openning page somewhere. This will help you get a higher rank by the search engines. For this very reason you might want to not do flash movie on your first page but rather a graphic that links to either office , followed by more text containing the keywords.
    You’re welcome to go to my website, using Internet Explorer, click on view and then source. This will show you the code and meta tags.Take a look at how the text contains the key words. If you search on google for Midwest laser dentist , lenawee laser dentist, hillsdale laser dentist, etc, we usually come up in the top 3 listings. We even make the 1st page for midwest dentist.

    Hope that helps and if you have questions about that drop me a PM or email.

    in reply to: National Laser Technology #9097


    Took a quick look yesterday when I was responding to this thread
    <a href="

    I” target=”_blank”>;.=30

    I think the site is nicely done and suggested everyone should get a look.

    The graphics,color and flash movies are very nice.

    Just a couple things to consider-
    1. load time- I have a very slow connection in my office(26.4)and it took about 80 seconds for the pages to totally load. You might want to clear your browser of temp files and cookies and check from a dial up. I know a 56k modem and connection will be quite a bit faster than here, but you might want your designer to preload the movies on the second page while the 1st loads to cut down on wait time. The average visitor will only wait 10-13 seconds for a page to load before moving on. This is important if you’re trying to attrack new patients.Not quite as important if you’re just trying to communicate with existing patients.

    2.meta tags and key words -these are in your source code. You’ll want to add misspellings of your names and also ny, New York, NY laser dentist, etc. Its then important to have these  keywords(minus the misspellings) appear on your openning page somewhere. This will help you get a higher rank by the search engines. For this very reason you might want to not do flash movie on your first page but rather a graphic that links to either office , followed by more text containing the keywords.
    You’re welcome to go to my website, using Internet Explorer, click on view and then source. This will show you the code and meta tags.Take a look at how the text contains the key words. If you search on google for Midwest laser dentist , lenawee laser dentist, hillsdale laser dentist, etc, we usually come up in the top 3 listings. We even make the 1st page for midwest dentist.

    Hope that helps and if you have questions about that drop me a PM or email.

    in reply to: TIPS TIPS TIPS #9129


    Same as you Ron. G-4, G-6, T-4 and all Z tips for endo.

    in reply to: Soft Tissue Procedures #3328

    Glenn van As

    Hi folks: I had a surprise today when I walked into work as a patient of mine was waiting. I have been practicing 16 years and have never seen such swelling on a patient in my life. I could only prescribe him antibiotics (Amoxicillin and Clindamycin) and got him in the afternoon shifting a patient around ……..

    My local endodontist is away and no one was in and this poor fellow had a real bad cellulitis.

    He came in this afternoon with severe swelling (even worse than this morning) and I wanted to try and save the tooth.

    Looking at the preop film I thought the main problem was a short fill on the MB canal and as always a missed 4th canal, but I wanted to retreat the whole thing.

    I had to get the post out first and this is tricky but ultrasonics for a while and then the Ruddle post remover worked.

    I did alot of ultrasonics to deepen the floor of the prep with BUC tips and Gary Carrs US tips to expose the 4th canal (was it ever calcified). I got patent on all canals with a 20 file except the palatal and put CaOH in the tooth.

    I was gonna send him home but in the two hours working on the tooth the flucutant swelling came to a head on the buccal tissue and I thought it best to use the ARgon (he is on coumadin, and antihypertensives) to make an incision……….man was there ever a ton of stuff coming out…….

    Never seen anything like it………

    Left it open ( I find these large incisions with the laser dont close up as fast) and gave him my number and will see him this morning…..

    Man was he in tough shape but what a great guy.

    I am showing you the pics to help you realize how beneficial the scope is on these for finding that 4th canal (its there 90% of the time) and has its own seperate exit 2/3rds of the time.

    If you want to read an interesting article on morphology of 4th canals that will worry you………check out htis link, its an article on 4th canals by John Stropko…….

    HEre are the pics……I am proud of treating this case so far, and will post the pics when I am done.


    GlennResize of Incision and drain retreat pg 1.jpg

    Resize of Incision and drain retreat pg 2.jpg

    in reply to: Laser incision and drainage #10254


    Hi Glenn,

    Wow, some sweilling! Was there a fistula on the buccal?

    Was the swelling that bluish or was the colour a little intense in all last 4 photos?

    Emergency endo with severe swelling is fun isn’t it? You did a great service to your patient, Glenn.


    in reply to: Laser incision and drainage #10257

    Glenn van As

    Hi Andrew……the swelling wasnt there when I started but I put 3 carps of anesthetic in……..

    No fistula at the beginning , no localized swelling but at the end of 2 and a half hours the swelling was bad…..scared me the bluish tinge so I didnt want to use a knife and was really scared that it was going to bleed alot so used the Argon…….

    I was scared on this one alot…… was huge facial swelling………..

    Hope he is better tomorrow. I was so worried I didnt videotape it and just used the photos at certain points.

    The color was really really intense. HE is on 5 different meds and is in his mid to late 70s and had a stroke a while back.

    NOt one I wanted to leave unattended. You can imagine how fun it is to get that post out……..

    Thanks Andrew……..this one freaked me out…..I dont like cases like that.

    A simple single canal is more my fancy.



    in reply to: New Online CE Calendar #8569


    Thanks Ron. I have posted my Seminar in Vancouver, B.C. the home of the infamous Dr. Glenn Van As. May 23, 2003 from 9am-12 noon. Look forward to meeting those who can attend.

    in reply to: Hard tissue procedures #11605

    b lash

    Thanks for the info and Ill try the more water approach in the future.


    in reply to: Trunk Fiber #9265

    b lash

    Ive also had some trunk fiber issues. The first one was due to faulty tips according to my rep. We changed all these out and got all new ones. The second may have been to a mistake by my assistants so I now do all the maintenace on the laser. We shut it down and drain it nightly and do all the things Ive been told to. Alot like others posted here the thing just blew in the middle of a prep today. That makes 3 in three months. I like the things Im doing with it but Im becoming extremely nervous about what will happen two years from now when the contracts all run out. Ill be paying 600 a month for a unit that might as well be in the trash? Anyone out there to calm my fears or am I in trouble.

    in reply to: Trunk Fiber #9220


    Ben, I am not sure what you might be doing to have this problem, but I use my Waterlase for over 90% of everything I do, I haven’t blown a trunkfiber in over a year, and I only did ONE in the first month due to a stupid error on my part. I would love to help you if I can.

    in reply to: Laser incision and drainage #10255


    Hi Glenn,

    I really admire you for taking that one on. Great job! That’s the type of case I do refer to John Stropko!
    Good luck tomorrow- I’m sure he’s feeling a whole lot better now.

    in reply to: New Online CE Calendar #8571

    Glenn van As

    Hi Mark: I will see if I can come down and say hi…..depends on my schedule that day.

    ALl the best and you will love Vancouver, its a beautiful city and home of the series winning Canucklheads…….


    in reply to: Laser incision and drainage #10258

    Glenn van As

    Hi Bruce……..thanks. I couldnt do anything else , it was easter Monday and no one was working , he was so swollen that I had to do something.

    He was a little better today and I will see him tomorrow. Lots of swelling still but he felt better.

    Man oh man did that one frighten me.


    in reply to: 2nd hand Waterlase #11392


    Glenn is correct in the basic models, however there have been some very significant changes in the new version of the Waterlase over the last year to year and a half.

    I’d be VERY skeptical about getting a used one.


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