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Glenn van AsSpectatorHi Andrew………the amalgam fell out and still they werent able to locate the MB canal but we all have those days.
I am picking up the tab as the endodontist has done a ton of things for me……..its the least I can do.
Glenn van AsSpectatorAllen: CLAP CLAP CLAP………
Great pics and treatment. Absolutely brilliant stuff.
These lower incisors and attrition areas are great to treat with the laser.
REally nice case…….
Glenn van AsSpectatorProbably true especially if Graeme said it but no decay in this case………weird one.
Thanks for the post and the interest.
Glenn van AsSpectatorGosh I laughed reading the post……..Bob maybe they will accept a trade in of your diode and a crappy Nd yag for a brand spanking new waterlase ( complete with the HK which of course you cant live without………:>) )
Just kidding guys , you knew that was coming!!!!!
Glenn van AsSpectatorCongrats on getting up and running…….now knock on wood for no more hiccups……
Speaking of hiccups……my 3.5 year laser hiccupped today and may need to be repaired , its still working but I am getting an error message on it (error 24) which apparently is something that is going to get worse.
Hoya gonna look at it and I hope to swap it out when I am in Anaheim in 1.5 weeks.
Hope it will last til then
Glenn van AsSpectatorI know the whole deal very very well…….spoken to him at CDA and in Atlanta at the Hinman.
If you want to know email me privately at
Glenn van AsSpectatorHi Janet: I would assume both will be covered but ask tom Haney by email……
He will know for sure.
Lee AllenSpectatorGlenn,
Nice case and service to your patient. I love seeing those pictures you get ! Especially the one with the crack in the second molar. My experience has been dismal with those in the long run. I would expect in the near future to see a perio lesion (small chimney-like defect) develope at the least and at worse have it split in 2 causing much discomfort.
If you really want to keep it, since the last molar has the greatest occlusal stresses, I would put an immediate ortho band on it to splint the tooth before you get the crown in place so Murphy does not get busy with your plans.
Good luck. You always come up with the most interesting cases. I started using the Tetrac flowable in class I preps after seeing one of your posts and it has been wonderful. Thanks for the tip.
BenchwmerSpectatorI need to show that I am using my Hard Tissue laser in everday uses. I still use air abrasion on most Cl I and Class II to remove staining, remove the enamel and isolate the dentin caries, I then Lase to remove soft caries and decontaminate before restoring.
This case was done using the OpusDuoE (Erbium) laser center.
20 year old, Male. Caries on facial #28. No Local anesthetic. 10 Hz 500 mJ using 800 um tapered sapphire tip, hollow wave guide delivery.Before
Tooth prepared, caries removed, final caries removal w/ smallest Schumacher spoon excavator. Tooth then bonded w/ I-Bond, one bottle self-etching, prime and bond, Esthet-X composite.
Final polish.
I no longer use AA on Cl V preparations.
BenchwmerSpectatorIn the previous case I also used the OpusDuoE to remove the existing composite restoration and prepare #27 for restoration using the same laser parameters and same restorative materials. Sorry to miss that on original post.
Robert Gregg DDSSpectatorThanks Jeff,
Not to be picky, but it looks like the papilla between 26-27 is a bit “unhappy”. Also looks like the mesial-incisal has a wear facet that together with some local plaque factors are giving that area fits?
Thanks for posting and letting us “pick” on you.:)
Robert Gregg DDSSpectatorGosh, guys THANKS! I Feel the love…….
BenchwmerSpectatorPatient presents with fractured all porcelain crown. #10 vital.
Tissue contoured and retracted with Nd:YAG 3.0W 20 Hz 150 usec. Used LA ,2% carbocaine.
Took final impression immediately after lasering and tooth prep.Temporized and scheduled for crown insert.
BenchwmerSpectatorPatient is a Marine, back from Iraq with a Purple Heart. Said, lost his backpack and toothbrush for a couple of weeks. He is home for a couple of weeks to recover, then he is back to Uncle Sam. I only addressed his chief complaint, cavity on lower tooth.
I still do soft tissue laser therapy. I just posted a Nd:YAG case to even it up.
Robert GreggParticipantNice Jeff,
About how much tissue do you think you removed? It looks like about 3mm of new clinical crown…