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  • in reply to: Laser energy in living systems #9449

    Kenneth Luk

    Hi David,
    What is NADH?

    in reply to: General Nd:YAG Forum #2728


    I recall conversation previously about you having diminished/removing age spots. This one happens to be on the right cheekbone. Can you please let me know the instructions on doing so?? Thank You – any input from others appreciated also. Tom

    in reply to: Laser Periodontal Related Literature #3262

    Robert Gregg DDS

    It only took about 10 years from the conversation that began in 1998 to the publication in one of perio's top 3 peer reviewed publications.

    Yukna IJPRD PDF

    The manuscript is hard to ignore or dismiss.  It is:

    1.  The 4th largest prospective, blinded, calibrated human histology study, with a control group, in the peer reviewed perio literature.

    2.  The findings show “principle” or Sharpies fibers perpendicular to the root surface, vs circumferential in many bone graft and other studies of regenerative materials and “devices”.

    3.  It led to a unique FDA clearance for “cememtum-mediated” new periodontal ligament attachment in the absence of long junctional epithelium.

    Congratulations Prof Yukna! applauseemoticon.gif


    in reply to: General Nd:YAG Forum #2750

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Nice story in the Dental Products Report trade journal of Europe:

    Laser Solution for Periodontal Patients


    in reply to: Hoya & Biolase #6452


    Just browsing through this forum and found this thread and wanted to add this thought: I don't think erbium penetrance in the dental market is going to increase significantly until we see:

    1) Better ability to cut, especially without anesthesia, which FOTONA/Lares seems to be moving toward

    2) Sub 50K price point, which along with #1 above, will make it easier to achieve ROI

    3) Better post-sale follow up other than “how many tips are you buying this month”.

    I could be wrong, but the pushback I get from most dentists is the same old thing: “cuts too slow”, “too much sensitivity”, “too expensive to buy/maintain”. And I have to agree. While those of us who have used this class of lasers for years now have “the knack”, all of us have been where potential new users are right now. In order for a technology to take off, potential buyers have to see enthusiasm from not only salespersons, but other users as well.

    in reply to: Hoya & Biolase #6447


    Wes you are dead on. I was talking about this to a patient today. She was really excited about how we had treated her dental needs with the laser and without anesthic. As a established user this was just routine old hat. Nothing to get excited about. we do it day end and day out… No big deal. Heck estbalished patients take it for granted. I think this is one reason that this forum has slowed up on posting other then in the periolase section.
    It is really up to use to keep the excitement up.

    in reply to: Hoya & Biolase #6457

    Kenneth Luk

    Hi David,
    Sometimes I still have problem ablating teeth without a shot. Please direct me to those threads ? Thanks.

    in reply to: Hoya & Biolase #6448


    Ken, Not sure anymore if they are here or on DT. Tell me what you are doing in most cases.

    in reply to: Hoya & Biolase #6451


    HI Dave,

    IT has been a while since I saw this topic broached. My success rate has increased since I had the National laser upgrade put into my Waterlase. Dave, can you elaborate on some newer laser”anesthesia” techniques you employ with the Waterlase (no the MD) since the time that we trained together in Stu's office.

    Robert Tracey

    in reply to: General Nd:YAG Forum #2761


    Yesterday I did a first round of periolase on a patient who has has 2 implant supported bridges in the posterior on this side. I tried to keep total joules to less than 100 around each implant. The areas probed from 4-10 mm with pus coming out on probing. I kind of stirred around the implants with pass one and two and used ultrasonics a bit to clean out a bit also. I noticed some black stuff coming out of the sites and didn't know if it was the implant coating or subgingival calculus. It was not chunks but very fine grain and uniform. Does calc grow on implants? I couldn't remember if there were any specific settings that were to be applied, so I stayed with the standard ones except I had bumped the power to 200 mj for pass one.  He is coming in next week to do the other side and it has a posterior implant bridge also with similar peri-implantitis. Any suggestions? I told him that we may have to address these areas again. What have others found to be the response with this type of situation?

    Phil huhemoticon.gif

    in reply to: Hard Tissue Procedures #3484

    Community User

    13 yo w male
    Lares Erbium
    4.1 W
    'BLT' Topical place on gingiva. Prewedge and band.
    Total Prep Time less than 2minutes.
    Removed wedge, reposition band, rewedge.
    Sorry no still images ( have to figure out white balance yet  huhemoticon.gif )

    Laser video here.

    Video/scope/procedures suggestions and comments welcome.

    in reply to: General Nd:YAG Forum #2772


    I just saw the dental town magazine and periolaser priced at $39995.

    Is this typo? because I bought it at $60K about 6 months ago.

    in reply to: is this typo? #5863

    Community User

    Could be right.Consider used and no training included.

    in reply to: is this typo? #5864


    it's not used.

    it's listed in the laser comparison chart and listed at $39995 including training.

    please see the laser article in this month dental town magazine

    in reply to: is this typo? #5866

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Major typo by Dental Town magazine print edition.


    Expect a “major” correction in the next edition…..

    Sorry for any confusions!

    (speaking as pres of MDT)

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