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  • in reply to: Microdental prep #6479

    Glenn van As

    Just to show you that I dont do them all with my laser.

    Here is a fissureotomy bur which opened up a non cavitated but visibly discolored lesion which was large (forget the number) on the diagnodent.


    Resize of small occlusal with fissureotomy bur.jpg

    in reply to: Microdental prep #6482

    Glenn van As

    Ok ok I have made a point…….one last one .


    Resize of Small one on primary molar.jpg

    in reply to: Trunk Fiber #9199


    Al, Thanks for the heads up. I had no clue about a service contact. Would have been nice to know at the time of sale. It is my fault but being a dentist friendly company you think they would have informed us!!

    in reply to: Tori Removal #11289


    Al. While waiting for my laser every patient I see I ask myself is there something I could do with the laser. I will try a tori removal just as soon as I figure out which end of the thing to use.
    Another issue has come up with the staff about what the laser can be used for. They are happy to be my first patients. Thing is they want things removed on body parts I really don’t want to see!! Don’t think my wife would undersatnd!!

    in reply to: Eyewear #9131


    Has anyone tried the faceshields?
    How about just getting the lens and having someone cut a fit them to your loops? Sound hard but a good optical tech should be able to do it.

    in reply to: A temporary solution? #10056


    I was hoping you would weigh in and that my thought was not completely off the charts.  Gracias.
    P.S.  I am very excited about your perio protocol, even if I decide my market/practice can’t support it.  I would say this is the future direction for periodontal treatment.  &#364000 per case is high  for our area.  I am going to research and see how many advanced cased we treated last year as a place to begin consideration.

    in reply to: Guided Tissue Regeneration #10276


    Saw you pictures after my note on the weeping pulp. What can I say. This is outstanding. Anyone in the Michigan/Wisconsin area routinely using this process?

    in reply to: Microdental prep #6483



    Two comments.  I was trying yesterday to decide what curing light to take with me to Bolivia next week and realized that we rarely use the lights in hygiene  except for spot bleaching.  We simply are not doing sealants anymore.

    Yesterday I also had a moment when I realized how much more beautiful the tooth was under high magnification.  Must be like seeing the moon at 16x!

    I also opened an occlusal as you are showing only to find the deepest decay was not where the DD had indicated.  Maybe 16X would have noted this area better.

    in reply to: Microdental prep #6475

    Quote: from Glenn van As on 2:53 am on Mar. 1, 2003

    How are you handling the following:

    1. Fissure sealants
    2. Preventative Resin restorations where there is a little bit of decay in one pit.
    3. Decay around Fissure sealants



    I haven’t placed conventional sealants in the last 2-3 years.

    When I’m restoring  part of a tooth I have been using flowable in the deep grooves on the remainder of the tooth if there is no discoloration and very low Diagnodent numbers(after laser etch or air abrasion).

    In the last couple months, if there is no restorative planned for the tooth but I still feel a sealant is warranted, I place Fuji Triage.

    If there is decay around a sealant ,I remove the sealant when treating the decay and do one of the above along with the restoration.

    Its sometimes difficult to tell around old sealants if the sealant is just stained or there is decay starting. This is another place the higher power loupes seem to help.

    in reply to: newbie here, don’t even own a laser… #12382

    I really do appreciate all of your input. I am definitely considering a hands on course to see if it suits me.

    Fortunately, I think 😉  I’m very familiar with that David Kimmel fellow who just bought the hard and soft laser from Biolase. I’ve been waiting for an excuse to visit him in warmer climes to defost my frozen body and once he is up and running with these units I may have to impose on him to show me these beasts in action!

    I don’t think the value of the “WOW” factor can be understated as even the staff’s eyes light up when I mention the possible purchase.

    I’m still a little concerned that the laser companies aren’t a little more forthcoming regarding the service policies…I remember when I purchased my digital radiograph system it was much the same shock!

    I already have the electric drill so I attempt to stay on the “advanced” side of dentistry, patients seem to appreciate that as much as anything.

    BTW, checking out all the available manufacturers is a great idea, but besides Biolase and Continuum, are there any others? I’ve been in touch with a few of you already by email regarding your personal thoughts, if anyone would rather not make public certain warnings about the companies in question, would you be kind enought to email me your thoughts, I would keep all such comments private.

    Thanks again for your help!

    Best regards,
    ps: one of you better warn David K that he won’t be able to make repairs to his sailboat with this thing…I think one of the salesman might have hinted this was possible smile.gif

    in reply to: newbie here, don’t even own a laser… #12386

    Glenn van As

    Opusdent makes the OpusDuo……..check it out. Benchwarmer (alias Jeff Cranska -sp?) has one and can probably put you in touch with the company.

    Ask Ray Tang about the stability of the parent company Lumenis for OpusDent, lately it has been an issue.

    Talking to someone who recently tried the Opus he mentioned to Tom Haney from Con Bio that in his opinion the Opus cut the best through enamel but there are other issues with the delivery system , maintenance of the unit which may be of a concern to some.

    Regardless, check it out with the Con Bio and Biolase and compare and contrast.


    in reply to: Eyewear #9135

    Glenn van As

    I had innovative optics replace the lens in my non prescription 3.5X loupes for my erbium laser with a glass filter.

    The only problem is that they are heavier, and because the lens is flat not curved they get weird reflections in them. Finally they are darker than they were before when looking at the operating site. I use these when I am on the road and dont have a scope as I feel naked watching someone cutting a tooth and telling me it isnt cutting when I cant see what they are doing.

    You can replace lenses for the erbium but the problem is that for the diode and others the filters are not clear.

    Here is a pic of my loupes, and innovative optics did this for me. The lenses are erbium filters……glass, flat and thick. You cant do this if you need prescription lenses.


    [img] of DSC_0020.JPG[/img]

    [img] of DSC_0023.JPG[/img]

    in reply to: A temporary solution? #10058

    Robert Gregg DDS

    You’re welcome Pat,

    I really think that case you described should respond by laying down secondary dentin.  I’ve done that type of laser pulp cap many times, and I can’t think of one that failed.

    I can appreciate what you are saying about LPT/Periolase.

    Dr. Cliff Auten in Whitney Texas (2 hours outside of Waco) charges &#36500 per quad and was able to cost justify the purchase 4 years ago.

    On average, accross the country, our docs are charging &#36850 per quad.  That’s 24 patients pay-back.

    Another way to look at it–What do you charge to save ONE tooth with an RCT, Post/BU, PFM?.  Don’t you think patients are willing to pay that fee to save a quadrant of teeth?

    As a GP, I was surprised how willing, anxious, eager patients were to have performed–and PAY for –laser perio if it was a defined alternative to cut ‘n sew.

    In fact, I have seen more green CASH money from unisured patients from South Central LA (of LA riot fame–I’m a few miles away), than I ever saw before.
    Do a survey of your patients.  I can send you a sample I used 12 years ago to convince me of my patient base’s interest in lasers–it was nearly 100% positive response rate, and that was before we had a defined LPT to offer.

    Don’t forget that for the past 4 years, we have offered a 6 month money back guarantee on the results and practice applicability to YOUR satisfaction, not mine or MDT’s.  NONE of our dentists have turned their laser back in for a 100% refund.  In fact, I have (albeit jokingly) offered to buy their PerioLase back for double the price they paid…..and was refused every time!  Call me and I’ll give you names of docs to call that match your concerns.  Their testimonials are not paid for, and willingly offered.


    (Edited by Robert Gregg DDS at 11:18 am on Mar. 1, 2003)

    in reply to: Guided Tissue Regeneration #10280

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Thanks Pat,

    Yes, Dr. Dick Holthaus, Janesville, WI.

    But he told Del yesterday at the Chicago Mid-Winter, not to refer any more patients to him.  He has all he wants to see!!

    We get calls at MDT by patients looking for doctors trained by us.  We refer them to our doctors around the country.

    Other than that, no one else in your area.

    But that might be a great opportunity for you.  I know Dick wants to interect more with others using our protocol, yet he wouldn’t be in competition with you if you wanted to market the procedure.

    And that’s a good point about marketing your lasers for anything, end result benefits–solutions for patients and what they are looking for.


    in reply to: Hydrokinetics Article #7310


    Thanks for your help Bob and Glenn. I think I’m starting to get the picture.

    Glenn, I’ve seen the charring you mentioned when playing around with different water settings. That’s a good idea you proposed.


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