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  • #4611 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Attached please find MDT’s press release and our letter to ADA President Dr. John Findley.

    What is especially interesting and encouraging is that a very good friend and colleague of Dr Findley is a periodontist and a LANAP dentiost who is a huge fan.

    While I cannot share with you the letter that was sritten to Dr Findley from this periodontist, it was blunt and to the point–the critics of LANAP are wrong.

    Dr Findley proceeded to write a hand written note that I have a copy of (but cannot distribute) stating that he was “headed in the opposute direction” before hearing from our LANAP periodontist. While Findley didn’t say he would change the statment, it is a sign that we have friends with influence and they are speaking up.


    #22685 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    How appropriate to have this Micigan Forum to talk about the latest:

    We had a converence call with Dr Yukna yesterday and he told us that at the AAP, Dr. Mike Rethman “chased him down”. Rethman is the Chief Honcho for the Counsil on Scientific Affairs for the ADA. It was he who selected Dederich and Cobb to write the ADA statmens on Lasers and LANAP.

    Apparently he has received “the word” that some respected and influential people are not please with his work product.

    Ray said he was sheepish and apologetic in nature, like, “Please don’t be upset with me, I was just doing my job. We are just saying we need more research…..”

    To that Ray said, just be sure that you apply the same standards of rigor in research requirements of the other perio products and techniques we use in perio that you apply to LANAP. Ray continued, You know as well as I do that many if not most of the products we use in perio don’t have the amount and type of research that you are demanding for LANAP.

    Ray said that Rethman said, “Yeah, yeah, I know.” And walked away.:p

    It’s just a matter of time…..


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